This is a booking management app for "The Nature Cabins". Here we will allow The nature cabins user to manage bookings, guest and other operational stuff.
- React, react router
- Supabase
- Supabase Auth
- React query
- Context api
- Styled component
- React error boundy
- Date fns
- Authentication and authorization usign supabase auth
- Email verification using supabase email auth.
- Booking management
- Add user ( only normal user for now)
- Dark mode/ light mode
- Enventory setting( veey minimal for now)
- Can view stay duration summary, activities and sales for 7, 30 and 90 days.
- Stats for the 7 30, 90 days
Bookings ( edit, delete, duplicate) [ in progress]
booking confirmation email
edit Price for cabin
Bulk check in checkout
Generate invoice (pdf email ti guest)
Payment ( stripe )
User work flow ( role based user, update user, reset password )
Hotel restuarant ( pricing to include on checkin and checkout: needs new field in database)
user settings depending on thier setting for dash board [ in progress ]
- typescript
- github action
- unit test / end to end test [ in progress ]
- deployment [ in progress ]