Release 1.5.3
- NEWS: Official Telegram group now available! Join us at
- UPDATE: Auto-confirmation system reworked. Each account now has separate timer settings.
- UPDATE: Added a hyperlink to the troubleshooting guide in the "Linking" window.
- UPDATE: Added support for SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxies (untested).
- UPDATE: Added an experimental option to ignore timer errors during "Patch Tuesday" (Steam maintenance period).
- UI: Added "Copy maFile" button in the maFile context menu.
- UI: Introduced additional hotkeys in the maFile context menu.
- UI: Added "Copy RCode" button after account linking.
- UI: Auto-confirmation timers now use icons instead of text chips.
- UI: Temporarily removed the "Allow auto-update" (without confirmation) setting due to functionality issues in the AU library.
- UI: Minor design and localization enhancements.
- UI-FIX Updated "by achies" hyperlink to direct to the repository instead of the user page "achiez/".
- UI-FIX Resolved lag issue in the code progress bar.
- FIX: Mafiles missing a "SessionID" (e.g., from Steam Desktop Authenticator) can now be imported without re-login. If absent, SessionID is generated on the client side.
- FIX: Errors during confirmation retrieval are now properly localized and displayed.
- FIX: Corrected typo in "AccesToken" when serializing in legacy mode.
- FIX: Resolved issue where the startup error message was not displayed correctly, leaving it blank when the app couldn’t synchronize time.
- DEV: Major code clean-up and refactoring.
- DEV: Updated dependencies and SteamLib libraries.
- 1.5.3 HOT-FIX: Setting IgnorePatchTuesdayErrors now works. Release file was replaced by a fixed version
UPD 2:
- 1.5.3 HOT-FIX: Fixed crash caused by Market confirmations