Music Controller
Upload Music: Create a route and controller function that allows authenticated users to upload music files to the server and create a new music document in the database. You'll need to handle the file upload using a middleware such as Multer and then save the file path to the 'file' field in the music schema.
Get Music: Create a route and controller function that allows users to retrieve a list of all the music on the platform or a specific music by id.
Update Music: Create a route and controller function that allows the uploader of the music or an admin to update the music's information.
Delete Music: Create a route and controller function that allows the uploader of the music or an admin to delete a music.
Like Music: Create a route and controller function that allows users to like a music. This could involve incrementing the 'likes' field in the music schema and saving the user's id in an array of 'likedBy' field.
Comment on Music: Create a route and controller function that allows users to post comments on a music. This could involve creating a new comment document in the database and saving its id in the 'comments' array in the music schema.
Get Comments: Create a route and controller function that allows users to retrieve all the comments for a specific music.
Search Music: Create a route and controller function that allows users to search for music by title, artist, or album. This could involve using a text index and the $text operator in MongoDB to perform the search.
Controller: CamelCase (getAllUsers) Models: lowerCase (likesmodel)
errController.js - ghadi nrja3 liha fach nkmal upload audio wela music
- app.js (entry point for the application)
- package.json
- routes/
- auth.js (routes for user authentication and registration)
- music.js (routes for managing music tracks)
- comments.js (routes for managing comments)
- likes.js (routes for managing likes)
- controllers/
- authController.js (handles logic for user authentication and registration)
- musicController.js (handles logic for music track uploads, downloads, and search)
- commentsController.js (handles logic for comments)
- likesController.js (handles logic for likes)
- middleware/
- authMiddleware.js (handles authentication and authorization)
- multer.js (handles file uploads)
- models/
- User.js (defines the User model for the MongoDB database)
- Music.js (defines the Music model for the MongoDB database)
- Comment.js (defines the Comment model for the MongoDB database)
- Like.js (defines the Like model for the MongoDB database)
- public/ (folder for storing publicly accessible files, such as music tracks)
- views/ (folder for storing views)
PORT = 3000
GET get all users api/v1/users
GET get one user api/v1/users/idOfUser
POST Sign Up api/v1/auth/Signup
{ "username": "achraf", "email": "", "password": "1", "confirmpassword": "1" }
POST Sign In api/v1/auth/Signin
json: { "username": "achraf", "password": "1" }
POST Add Likes api/v1/music/
POST upload Music api/v1/music/upload
title eminem example song artist eminem genre rap length 2 file /C:/Users/<...>/Music/example.mp3
GET GET ALL Music api/v1/music/
GET Music By id api/v1/music/63dd3079ecc0247a9bf450c8
DELETE Music By id api/v1/music/63dd3079ecc0247a9bf450c8
DELETE Music api/v1/music/
GET Find user by id api/v1/users/63e7ead6963faef4c787152e
GET Find users api/v1/users/