Welcome to AWAP 2025!
We use python version >= 3.9
This installs pygame for visualization purposes:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 run_game.py -c config.json
python3 run_game.py -b bots/attack_bot_v1.py -r bots/builder_bot.py -m maps/simple_map.awap25m --render
Equivalently, running the above command without the render flag does not render the pygame.
python3 replay_game_cli.py replays/game_replay.awap25r
To create a bot, add a new file to /bots
git remote add upstream https://github.com/acm-cmu/awap-engine-2025-public.git
Run the above command to add the original updated repository if you have not done this already.
git fetch upstream main
git rebase upstream/main
Run the above commands to install current patches and bug fixes locally.