This forked version implemented a modal contact us form in spree using reveal jquery plugin and jquery notify bar for success message after contact submission.
Easy to implement contact form with honeypot-captcha, with a topic selection management in admin. It stores all messages in DB for an easy recall of messages.
This extension is based on joshnuss spree-contact-form (thank you BTW) :
Put the following line into your gemfile :
gem 'spree_easy_contact'
Then run all the following command :
bundle install
rake spree_easy_contact:install
rake db:migrate
Set properly the mail method in the admin area (/admin/mail_methods)
Copy the Spree core/views/layouts/spree_application.html.erb to your application app/views/layouts/spree_application.html.erb
At your copy of spree_application.html.erb replace the following line:
Remove this line:
<%= render :partial => 'shared/footer'%>
Add this lines:
<%= hook :inside_footer do %>
<%= render :partial => 'shared/footer'%>
<% end %>
Copyright (c) 2011 [Arnoldo Rodriguez for Incaztech], released under the New BSD License