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A procedural programming language built in Rust and QBE

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₊˚ Elle ♡︎

A procedural programming language built in Rust and QBE

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How is this better than C?

  • It's not. It never will be. As it stands, this is a project developed by a single person, me. I am neither smart enough nor efficient enough to mimic an enterprise programming language compiler such as clang.
  • Elle does, however, provide deferring, generic types, methods on structs (allowing for OOP-like semantics), pseudo-namespaces, function call metadata, custom allocators, a built-in GC, type inference, and more. There are still many issues with the parser, compiler, and there is a huge lack of optimisations, but you may view these features as an improvement to C.

If you like this project, consider giving it a star!

Hello, World!

Writing a hello world program in Elle is super easy:

use std/io;

fn main() {
    io::println("Hello world!");

Let's dissect the code:

  • The fn keyword declares the statement as a function declaration.

  • The word main is the function's name and defines the function as the entry point of our program.

  • The function call io::println is a function which prints all of its arguments using their formatter.

  • Simple enough! ♡

Variable declarations

  • Variables can be declared in 3 ways:

    • Using their type (useful for inference of information based on the left-hand side like generics)
    • Using let (useful for inferring based on the right-hand side)
    • Using the walrus operator := (cannot be used with a type, equivalent to let)
  • Example:

let a = 0; // a is inferred to be i32 because 0 is i32
i64 a = 5; // 5 is inferred to be i64 because a is i64
a := 0;    // acts the same as `let a = 0;`

This is especially useful for dynamic array declarations:

arr := [i64;];
i64[] arr = [];

If statements

  • An if statement is an expression that evaluates a block if the condition is non-zero, with an optional else block which is evaluated if the condition is zero.

  • You can define an if statement and then an optional else statement

  • If statement conditions can be wrapped in () but this is not mandatory

  • There is currently no else if or similar. A workaround is to just define another if statement with your new condition.

  • Example:

let a = 0;

if expression {
    a += 1;
} else {
    a -= 1;

While loops

  • A while loop is an expression that evaluates the block specified only if the condition is non-zero, otherwise breaks and continues execution on the primary branch.

  • Even though you can loop via recursion, the while loop primitive may be simpler to understand and use in many cases, therefore it is provided in Elle.

  • While loop expressions can be wrapped in () but this is not mandatory

  • There is no do while or finally functionality at the time of writing this.

  • Example:

while expression {
    // do code
  • You also have access to block scoped variables inside of this loop. This means you can create a pseudo for loop with the following code:
let i = 0;

while i < 10 {
    i += 1;

Please keep in mind that you also have access to the break and continue keywords while inside of a loop, which break execution early or continue to the next iteration respectively.

For loops

  • A for loop is an expression that has 3 main parts:
  1. Variable declaration - Declaring an iterator to be used in the loop
  2. Condition - The condition to break out of the loop
  3. Variable step - The amount that the variable should increase on each iteration.

Essentially, the loop creates the variable defined in (1), and evaluates the block (code) specified, aswell as (3), until the condition defined in (2) is false (zero), when it returns to the main branch and continues execution.

  • For loop expressions can be wrapped in () but this is not mandatory
  • Basic example of a for loop that prints the digits 0-9 to the stdout:
for i32 i = 0; i < 10; i += 1 {
  • More advanced example:
use std/io;

fn fact(i64 n) -> i64 {
    if n <= 1 {
        return 1;

    return n * fact(n - 1);

fn get_e() {
    f64 res = 0.0;

    for i64 i = 0; i < 50; i += 1 {
        res += 1.0 / fact(i);

    return res;

fn main() {
    f64 e = get_e();

Please keep in mind that you also have access to the break and continue keywords while inside of a loop, which break execution early or continue to the next iteration respectively.

Foreach loops

  • A foreach loop is an expression that has 2 main parts:
  1. Variable declaration - Declaring a variable for each element
  2. Iterator - The iterator value (which must have a __len__ function defined on its type)
  • Example:
for x in ["a", "b", "c"] {
  • Any iterable type can be used as an iterator:
for c in "hello world" {

for i in 0..100 {

You can also access the current index during a foreach loop, no enumeration necessary:

for x in [1, 2, 3] {
    $dbg(#i(x), x);

You can also assign to this variable if you need to (such as stepping by 2):

for x in [1, 2, 3, 4] {
    $dbg(#i(x), #i(x) + 1, x);
    #i(x) += 1; // Will now increment by 2 because there is an implicit increment each iteration

Please keep in mind that you also have access to the break and continue keywords while inside of a loop, which break execution early or continue to the next iteration respectively.

Standalone blocks

  • A standalone block is somewhat equivalent to an if true statement, although they are not implemented exactly the same internally. It creates a block of code that is executed on a seperate "branch" to the main code in the function. This means that if you run something like defer inside of a standalone block it would call that when the standalone block leaves scope, not the function itself.

Here's a simple example:

fn main() {
    let a = 0;

        a += 1;
        // If we do *something* here like calling defer then
        // the defer would run when this block leaves its scope

This block has a different scope, which means you can declare variables with the same name but a different type in it. You can learn more about this in the Variable Shadowing section.

And it is relatively clear how this code is essentially equal to:

fn main() {
    let a = 0;

    if true {
        a += 1;
        // If we do *something* here like calling defer then
        // the defer would run when this block leaves its scope

Variable Shadowing

Variable shadowing is when the variable defined in the previous scope is accessible in the current scope.

For example:

fn main() {
    x := 1;

        // should x exist here? yes
        // whats its value? its 1
        $assert(x == 1, nil);

        // what if we redeclare it?
        x = 2;

        // now whats its value? its 2
        $assert(x == 2, nil);

        // what if we declare a new x?
        x := 3;

        // now whats its value? its 3
        $assert(x == 3, nil);

    // now the scope ended, what should this x be?
    // well it should be 2 because the x in this scope was redeclared to 2
    // the newly-declared x in that scope doesnt exist in this scope
    $assert(x == 2, nil);

More complex example

fn main() {
    x := "foo"; // x is "foo"

    x := 1; // x is 2, it changes type!

        x = 2; // x is 2
        x := "a"; // x is "a", now string again

            x = "b"; // x is "b"
            // note: no := usage, so modifies previous scope's x

        // x is "b" here

    // x is 2 here

Function Metadata

  • Elle can provide you with extra metadata using the ElleMeta struct.

This is done by ensuring the 0th argument of your function has the type ElleMeta.
The compiler will automatically supply the struct to you when the function is called, you do not need to manually pass it to the function.

This struct is not defined in Elle code, however its equivalent structure may look like:

struct ElleMeta {
    string *exprs; // An array of every argument's expression passed to the function as a string
    string *types; // An array of the type of every argument supplied to the function
    i32 arity;     // The number of arguments. This does NOT include the ElleMeta argument.
    string caller; // The caller of the function as a string
    string file;   // The file where the function was called from
    i32 line;      // The line number of the function call + 1
    i32 column;    // The column number of the function call + 1


You do not need to supply the structure yourself. This is automatically managed by the compiler.

This means that here:

fn square(i32 a) {
    return a * a;

fn main() {
    i32 res = square(5);

square will not be passed ElleMeta.

However, here:

fn square(ElleMeta meta, i32 a) {
    return a * a + meta.arity;

fn main() {
    i32 res = square(5);

square will be passed ElleMeta. Please notice how it is NOT passed by the caller. It is automatically passed by the compiler if it is required.


Elle has a moderately complicated allocator system. Here's how it works:

  • By default:
    • garbage collection
  • Using the --nogc flag at compilation:
    • arena-based allocation

Changing the allocator:


Resetting to the default allocator:



Make sure you don't forget to free any memory leftover when switching allocator! #set_allocator does not call the free_self method on the previous allocator when switching allocator, to allow for programs designed like this:

fn main() {
    arena := ArenaAllocator::new();
    x := [1, 2, 3]; // x is allocated through the ArenaAllocator
    $println(x); // allocates via default allocator
    #env.allocator.free_self(); // frees the arenas
    #set_allocator(#env.default_allocator); // go back to default allocator

What should an allocator have defined on it?

  • Allocators should have the following methods defined on them:
    • MyAllocator::new() (preferrably allocating the allocator structure itself via mem::malloc)
    • MyAllocator::alloc(MyAllocator *self, i32 size) -> void * (size in bytes to allocate, should return void *)
    • MyAllocator::realloc(MyAllocator *self, void *ptr, i32 new_size) -> void * (new_size in bytes. should return void *)
    • MyAllocator::free(MyAllocator *self, void *ptr) (frees a specific object passed by pointer, may be omitted if permitted by the allocation model, will become noop)
    • MyAllocator::free_self(MyAllocator *self) (destructor for the allocator itself including all of its allocations, NOT objects created by it)

Disabling allocation altogether:

  • You can pass the --noalloc flag during compilation. Keep in mind that, while this will no longer define allocators, this means you won't be able to use almost any of the Elle standard library, as all of it depends on these allocators. This flag goes well with the --nostd flag.

Dynamic memory allocation

  • Elle has a notion of a #env directive which gives you an ElleEnv *.

This structure is also not defined in Elle code (like ElleMeta), but its equivalent structure may look like:

struct ElleEnv {
    ArbitraryAllocator *allocator;

The allocator is completely abstracted away from you, which means that depending on the allocator, certain methods may not be set. They will be set to a noop function instead which returns nil.

Typically, you should be safe to assume that you have #alloc and #realloc. In specific environments you can also assume you have #free, but this usually set to a noop.

By default, memory deallocation is managed by the compiler via garbage collection. You can disable this by adding the --nogc flag, which will switch to using an ArenaAllocator model instead. If you prefer to manually manage memory altogether, you can either:

// Add this flag to your compilation command
// which completely stops custom allocators.

// You can now use mem::malloc, mem::free, etc
// Keep in mind that you will not be able to
// use most standard library features with
// allocators disabled.


// Import the heap allocator
use std/allocators/heap;

// And use it in your main function

// Now #alloc will call malloc, keeps type QOL features
ptr := #alloc(i32, 5); // same as mem::malloc(#size(i32) * 5)
#free(ptr); // same as mem::free(ptr);


Standard library functions do not free their memory because of the assumption of an auto-freeing allocator. If you use standard library functions with manual memory management, expect memory leaks.

Example of using dynamic memory allocation:

struct Foo {
    i32 a;

fn Foo::new(i32 a) {
    foo := #alloc(Foo);
    foo.a = a;
    return foo;

fn main() {
    let foo = Foo::new(10);

Another example:

fn main() {
    // allocate space for 10 integers
    i32 *numbers = #alloc(i32, 10);
    numbers[1] = 39;

    $dbg(numbers[1]); // 39
    // dont need to free it

Keep in mind that you can also use the libc standard manual memory management functions, like malloc, realloc, and free. These methods are defined in std/libc/mem. These allocations will not be freed automatically because the garbage collector isn't tracking them.

The compiler also provides you handy builtins for easy and quick allocation: #alloc and #realloc. As these builtins take a type and not the size of a type they can actually evaluate to exactly T * instead of void * when called. This means you can write this:

let x = #alloc(i32, 5); // x -> i32 *

without needing to explicitly convert anywhere.

#alloc uses the form of #alloc(T, size?) where T is any type and size? is an optional count (similar to calloc behavior), which can be omitted to form just #alloc(T).

#realloc uses the form of #realloc(ptr, T, size?) where ptr is any expression that evaluates to a pointer, T is any type and size? is an optional count (similar to calloc behavior), which can be omitted to form just #realloc(ptr, T).

Example usage:

use std/prelude;

struct Foo {
    i32 a;

fn Foo::new(i32 a) {
    let foo = #alloc(Foo);
    foo.a = a;
    return foo;

fn main() {
    let foo = Foo::new(6);

Using these directives, you can turn a verbose expression such as:

Machine *machine = #env.allocator.alloc(#size(Machine));

into the (much) cleaner:

machine := #alloc(Machine);

Variadic Functions

  • A variadic function is a function that can take in a variable amount of arguments. This works similar to C except that Elle provides you with mechanisms to make this much nicer to use, both as the producer and consumer of the function.

Here's a basic example of a variadic function which takes in any amount of arguments and returns their sum:

fn add(ElleMeta meta, ...args) {
    res := 0;

    for i := 0; i < meta.arity; i += 1 {
        res += args.yield(i32);

    return res;

At the call-site, using this function is easy. It can be done like this:

fn main() {
    res := add(1, 2, 3, 4);

Examples that contain variadic functions include variadic.le.


There are 2 kinds of arrays in Elle: dynamic and static.

Dynamic arrays are allocated on the heap, and are designed to grow or shrink, allowing you to push and pop values. They also have far more utility methods on them compared to static arrays. These kinds of arrays are created with the following syntax:

array = "[" [type ";"] [elements] "]" ;
elements = expression {"," expression} ;

Static arrays are allocated on the stack, and are designed to be static in size. These arrays have basically no utility methods on them, and decay to just a pointer (#[1, 2, 3] -> i32 *) but are faster. They're declared with the following syntax:

array = "#" "[" [elements] "]" ;
elements = expression {"," expression} ;

Both implement the __len__ method, which means this is valid:

for x in [1, 2, 3] {

for x in #[1, 2, 3] {

Dynamic arrays have special sugar when being typed:

i64[] x = [];

// OR

let x = Array::new<i64>();

// ... equivalent to ...

Array<i64> *x = Array::new();

// ... the most concise form ...

x := [i64;];

Static arrays do not, but you can still use let/:=:

let x = #[1, 2, 3]; // x's type is `i32 *`
x := #[1, 2, 3]; // x's type is `i32 *`

// ... OR if you need the inference ...

f32 *x = #[1, 2, 3]; // 1, 2, 3 are casted to floats

You can also use let/:= when declaring dynamic arrays which have values:

x := [1, 2, 3]; // x's type is i32[]
y := ["a", "b", "c"]; // y's type is string[]

You can also define multi-dimensional arrays:

grid := [
    [1, 2],
    [3, 4]

grid[0][1]; // 2
grid[1][0]; // 3

// ... or if you prefer explicit typing ...

char[][] x = [
    ['a', 'b'],
    ['c', 'd']

x[0][0]; // a
x[1][1]; // d

Specifically for dynamic arrays, you can initialize them without giving them a value or explicitly using the array contructor of Array::new() to create them:

fn main() {
    x := [i32;]; // x -> i32[]
    y := [f32; 1, 2, 3]; // 1, 2, 3 inferred as f32 and overall y -> f32[]
    z := ["a", "b", "c"]; // z -> string[], no explicit type means inferred
    w := []; // compilation error because T cannot be inferred
    $dbg(x, y, z, w);

This syntax essentially has 2 parts: the type and the values. You can specify the type and no values, values and no type, or both. But you must specify at least one most of the time for the compiler to be able to determine a type for the array;

It's worth noting that the T[] type syntax is actually sugar for Array<T> *. T[][] is equivalent to Array<Array<T> *> *.

Tuples and triples

Tuples and triples are distinct data structures in Elle. Tuples have 2 items inside, Triples have 3 items.

Tuples have special sugar for their types, just like arrays. (T, U) is equivalent to Tuple<T, U> *. Triples have no sugar, simply Triple<T, U, V> *.

To define a tuple, use $(x, y) or Tuple::new(x, y).

To define a triple, use $$(x, y, z) or Triple::new(x, y, z).

You can put tuples inside of arrays:

let foo = [$(1, "a"), $(2, "b")];

// ... or if you prefer explicit typing ...

(i32, string)[] foo = [$(1, "a"), $(2, "b")];

// if you don't wanna put values inside but wanna use the `let` keyowrd you can do this

let foo = [(i32, string);];

// ... nothing new here


Ranges are ways you can define the start and end of a "range" of numbers. There are 2 kinds of ranges in elle: exclusive and inclusive.

Exclusive ranges are defined with x..y, where x and y are expressions. Inclusive ranges are defined with x..=y, where x and y are expressions.

An exclusive range means that x is inclusive but y is exclusive. An inclusive range means both are inclusive.

At the moment, ranges are just aliases for Array::range(x, y, inclusive). This means they are not lazy, they create dynamic arrays of the specified range.

They can be used in foreach loops however, because they're arrays:

// 0..10 == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
for i in 0..10 {

// 0..0 == []
for i in 0..0 {
    $dbg(i); // will never run

// 5..=10 == [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
for i in 5..=10 {

Lambda functions

Elle allows you to create single-line or multi-line lambda (anonymous) functions.

Here are basic examples of how you can use them:

use std/prelude;

fn main() {
    let arr = [1, 2, 3].map<i32>(fn(i32 x) x * 2);
    io::println(arr); // <[2, 4, 6] at 0xdeadbeef>
use std/prelude;

fn main() {
    let x = fn(i32 x) {
        let foo = x * 100;
        return (foo - 10) / 2;


Please note the following:

  • These lambdas do not capture surrounding variables
  • They are not automatically passed ElleMeta by the compiler (because there is not enough context to do so)
  • You cannot declare the interface for a lambda on the type level

This means that these examples won't work:

use std/prelude;

fn main() {
    let arr = [1, 2, 3];
    let a = 5;

    // The compiler will throw an error here
    let arr_doubled =<i32>(fn(i32 x) x * a);
use std/prelude;

fn main() {
    let arr = [1, 2, 3];

    // The program will segfault here (for now)
    // due to not being passed ElleMeta
    let arr_doubled =<i32>(io::println);

Exact literals


You will probably never use exact literals when writing pure Elle code. Their only realistic use is to implement language features that don't exist yet.

  • An exact literal is Elle's way of implementing inline IR into the language. This basically means that you can write intermediate language code directly in Elle which compiles without any type, size, scope, or name context.

You can create an "exact literal" by wrapping the inline IR with "`" on both sides of the expression, and ensuring you include a semicolon at the end.

You can also use the manual return directive, which states that Elle should NOT include an automatic return if the function does not return anything by default. You can do this by adding the @manual attribute to your function.

Here is a basic example that dereferences an i32 * to the underlying i32:

use std/io;

fn deref(i32 *`ptr`) @manual -> i32 {
    `%res =w loadsw %ptr`;
    `ret %res`;

fn main() {
    let x = 5;

    // Print the value at the 0th index (pointer start)
    // This is identical to `x[0]`
  • These expressions will expand into the exact characters you type into the intermediate language code.
  • Typing "storeb 0, %tmp_12;" will write exactly storeb 0, %tmp_12 into the intermediate language, completely ignoring types, IR sigils, etc.
  • Only use this for basic operations, it is not intended as a replacement for writing Elle code as block-scoped variables are written with a temporary counter and cannot be referenced directly from exact literals.

You can also create functions with names that are valid in the IR but not in Elle, such as with the . character:

fn `$.bar`(i32 `x`) @manual -> i32 {
    `ret %x`;

fn main() {
    io::println(`$.bar`(123)); // Valid in the IR but not in Elle functions

Static buffers

  • A static buffer is a basic allocation of stack memory with a specified size.
  • You can allocate a buffer with the type buf[size]; syntax.

This would allocate memory on the stack of that size and give you back a pointer to that type.

For example:

use std/prelude;

const i32 ARRAY_SIZE = 40;

fn main() {
    i32 foo[ARRAY_SIZE]; // foo's type is `i32 *`

    for i in 0..ARRAY_SIZE {
        foo[i] = (i + 10) * 100;


The size doesn't have to be known at compile time:

use std/prelude;

fn main() {
    let size = i32::parse(io::input("Enter a size -> "));
    i32 foo[size]; // foo's type is `i32 *`

    for i in 0..size {
        foo[i] = (i + 10) * 100;

    $dbg(foo[size - 1]);

The type of a static buffer cannot be inferred. You must declare it explicitly.

Defer statements

  • A defer statement is commonly used to group together memory allocation and deallocation. A simple explanation is that it stores whatever operation is defined inside and does not run it until the function is about to go out of scope, ie during a return, a block being left, or an implicit return due to the function scope being left.

A very simple example of this is declaring a variable and deferring printing its value, like this:

use std/io;

fn main() {
    let i = 0;

    // If this were not in a defer statement, then this would print 0
    // However, it will print 25 instead.
    // Realistically this code only runs right before the main function leaves scope.
    defer io::print(i);

    i += 5;
    i *= i;

You can see how this only calls io::print right before it returns 0, which is indeed after the i variable has had changes made to it. This also works if you return in other scopes, such as if statements, while loops, standalone blocks, etc, as stated above. Any defer statements in inner blocks will not be called on any return, rather will only be called when the inner block is about to leave scope.

This also means that if you, hypothetically, design a program like this

use std/io;

fn main() {
    let i = 0;
    defer io::print(i);

        defer io::print(i);
        i += 2;

    i *= i;

The expected output is 2, then 4. This is because it will call io::print once when the standalone block will leave scope, at which point i is 2, then it will call io::print again when the function itself (main) will leave scope, at which point it will be 4 because i was squared (i *= i).

You can also write something like this:

fn main() {
    let i = 0;
    defer io::print(i);

        defer io::print(i);
        i += 2;

            return 0;

    i *= i;

Here we expect i (2) to be printed to the console twice. Why? When the function returns, the scope created by the standalone block is also inherently about to be left. Hence, we also need to call all non-root deferrers here.

The most useful application of deferring is for memory management, however.

Consider this code:

use std/io

fn main() {
    let size = 10;
    i64 *numbers = mem::malloc(size * #size(i64));
    defer mem::free(numbers);

    for let i = 0; i < size - 1; i += 1 {
        numbers[i] = i * 2;
        let res = numbers[i];
        io::printf("numbers[{}] = {}", i, res);

    if numbers[2] + 1 * 5 == 10 {
        // Calls `free` here
        return 1;

    // Calls `free` here

Without deferring, you would have to call free at every single place where you return. Not only is this inefficient, but also very easy to forget.

Of course for a function like the above, you are able to determine what path the code will take at compile time, however if you use something like rand() you no longer have the ability to do this, so you need to call free manually at all points where the function leaves its scope. This is an elegant way to prevent that.

Type definitions

  • A type definition is used to differentiate between the scope and size of different variables. You must define a type when declaring variables, taking variables as arguments in a function, and yielding the next value from a variadic argument pointer.

Elle's types are quite similar to C in terms of their definition. They can be a recursive pointer type too such as char ** (An array of strings). Although C has a limit on the number of pointers that a type can have (it is 2 in the C spec), Elle does not.

These are the mappings of types in Elle:

  • void - A mapping to word, usually used for void * or function return signatures
  • bool - A mapping to i8, and works purely as a semantic for boolean literals like true or false that expand to 1 or 0 respectively.
  • char - A mapping to a byte representing a character in ASCII.
  • i8 - A "byte", also known as an 8-bit integer.
  • i16 - A "short", also known as a 16-bit signed integer, or half the size of an i32.
  • i32 - A "word", also known as a 32-bit signed integer.
  • i64 - A signed integer of the size specified by your computer's architecture, up to 64-bit.
  • f32 - A 32-bit signed floating point number.
  • f64 - A 64-bit signed floating point number, providing double the precision of f32.
  • fn - A type that maps to a byte. This is intended to be used as a pointer to the first byte of a function definition.
  • pointer - Denoted by <type> * -> As pointers are just a number, an address in memory, a pointer in Elle is just an i64 that holds extra context by holding another type so that it can use its size to calculate an offset when indexing its memory.
  • string - A mapping to a char *, which is essentially an array of characters, or a "c-string".
  • any - A mapping to void *. This is TEMPORARY.

Type Conversion / Casting

  • A type conversion consists of converting a variable from one type to another, usually compromising precision if converting to a type with a lower size (f64 -> f32) or having more precision if promoting a type (i32 -> i64).

You can cast a type in a similar manner to C.

Here is an example that casts a float to an integer to add it to another integer:

fn main() {
    f32 a = 1.5;
    i32 b = (i32)a + 2;

Casting is not necessary here, because the Elle compiler is smart enough to automatically cast the f32 to an i32 when compiling the arithmetic operation, based on a weight that each type is assigned.

You can also cast to pointer types, however note that, unlike C, casting to a pointer type when using mem::malloc is not necessary because the Elle compiler automatically casts the void * into the type of the variable.

This means you can write:

fn main() {
    f64 *a = mem::malloc(1024 * #size(f64));

and Elle will not complain.


Strings are different to regular pointers. Even though they are just char*, the compiler will not allow you to implicitly cast a void* to a string. You will need to explicitly cast it.

Unary operators

  • A unary operator is a token used as a prefix to a literal or identifer to apply some operation to it, like negating it.

There are 5 unary operators in Elle:

  • ! - Logical NOT
  • ~ - Bitwise NOT
  • & - Stack address
  • - - Negative number
  • + - Positive number
  • * - Pointer dereference

Any identifier or literal can be prefixed by one of these operators.

Example of using logical NOT:

use std/io;

fn main() {
    let myBool = false;

    if !myBool {
        io::println("Hello world!");

Example of using bitwise NOT:

use std/io;

fn main() {
    let a = 1;

    if ~a == -2 {
        io::println("Hello world!");

This can also be used for negative or positive values:

const i64 MAX_SIGNED_LONG = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807;

Using unary - will multiply the expression by -1 while unary + will multiply the expression by 1.

The unary & operator is used to get the memory address of a local variable in a function. Here is an example:

use std/io;

fn other(i32 *something) {

pub fn main() {
    let a = 39;
    return 0;

Here we declare a as 39, then we pass the "address" of a to other as a pointer to an i32, then this pointer is dereferenced.

The unary * operator is used to dereference a pointer to a value:

use std/io;

fn other(i32 *a, string *str) {
    io::printf("(fn other)\n\ta = {}\n\tstr = {}", *a, *str);
    *a = 542;

fn main() {
    let a = 39;
    string str = "Hello world!";

    other(&a, &str);
    io::printf("(fn main)\n\ta = {}", a);

The example also implies that you can store values at those dereferenced addresses. You can put as many tokens as you want after the operator. It will yield until:

  • it matches a semicolon (;)
  • it matches an arithmetic operator
  • it reaches the end of the token vector

This means that if you want to manipulate the address before it is dereferenced, you can wrap it in ().

This code:

io::println(*a + 1);

will dereference a and then add 1 to the result.

This code, however:

io::println(*(a + 1));

will first add 1 to the address of a, and then will dereference that address.

Arithmetic operations

  • All arithmetic operations are declared with an expression on the left and right of an operator. This means you can call functions, do other arithmetic operations inside of operations, etc.

This is the mapping defined by Elle:

  • ^ - Xor
  • * - Multiply
  • / - Divide
  • + - Add
  • - - Subtract
  • % - Modulus
  • & - Bitwise And
  • | - Bitwise Or
  • << - Shift Left
  • >> - Shift Right
  • <> - Concatenation (only works on strings)

Operators which exist but can't be used when declaring variables:

  • && - Logical And
  • || - Logical Or
  • .. - Exclusive range
  • ..= - Inclusive range

Keep in mind that you can also use these operators when doing a variable declaration. This means the following code is valid:

use std/io;

fn main() {
    let a = 1;
    a ^= 1; // a is now 0

And of course, this works for every arithmetic operator, not just ^.

Elle follows the standard order of operations described by mathematics (typically defined as BIDMAS or PEMDAS), which means you can also wrap expressions in () to evaluate them before other expressions that may have a higher precedence.

Example of a program that calculates the xor (^) and sum (+) of some values:

use std/io;

fn main() {
    i32 a = 1 + (5 ^ 2); // Xor has a lower precedence than addition

    // We're expecting this to be 8 because
    //  5 ^ 2 = 7 and 7 + 1 = 8, however
    // without the brackets it would be 4
    // because it would evaluate to 6 ^ 2 = 4

Here's another example, using the string concatenation operator:

use std/io; // std/io contains std/string so we don't need to import it

fn main() {
    string a = "a" <> "b";
    a <>= "c"; // Concatenation can be done declaratively
    $dbg(a); // Expected: (string) a = "abc"


  • A constant is a value that cannot be redeclared. In Elle, constants can only be defined at the top level of files, and vice versa too, where the top level of files can only be constants and functions. You cannot define normal variables at the top level.
  • Constants can be public, declared using the pub keyword.
  • Constants that create pointers (such as string literals) are referenced as the first statement of each function to bring them in scope.

Consider this example that uses constants:

use std/io;

const i32 WIDTH = 100;
const i32 HEIGHT = 24;
const i32 SIZE = WIDTH * HEIGHT;

pub fn main() {
    return 0;

In the above code, all of the constants are technically function definitions that return the value after the = sign. However, when they're referenced, the function is automatically called. Therefore, you dont need to type SIZE() or similar, you can just directly reference SIZE as if it was a constant.

It is labelled as a "constant", because although it can return a different value (it can call any function), it cannot be redeclared.

Non-base-10 literals

  • These are literal numbers which are not declared in base 10.

These may include:

  • Hex - 0xFFFFFF
  • Octal - 0o777777
  • Binary - 0b111111
  • Scientific - 2.1e3

Basic example:

use std/io;

fn main() {
    i64 a = 0xDEADBEEF;
    i32 b = 0o273451456;
    i32 c = 0b111010011011111010010100101;
    i64 d = 1.2e9;
    f64 e = 2.7182818e2;

    $dbg(a, b, c, d, e);


Elle's module system works in the following way:

  • Elle will look in the /usr/local/include/elle folder for modules
  • Elle will look in the current working directory for modules

The syntax for importing is as follows:

use path/to/module;

where, in the directory where the file is importing from, there is a ./path/to/module.le file.

The syntax to export a symbol from your current file is as follows:

// ./module.le
pub const i32 myFavouriteNumber = 7;

pub fn foo() {
    return 1;

which you can then import

use std/io;
use module;

fn main() {
    io::println(foo() + myFavouriteNumber);

You can also add global pub; to your module to automatically make every symbol public in the module. If you want to make a symbol private after declaring them all public, use the local keyword.


global pub;

const i32 a = 100; // Public
const i32 b = 10; // Public
local const i32 c = 5; // Private

// Private
local fn increment(i32 a) {
    return a + 1;


Structs are allocations in memory with a defined layout. In Elle, these are defined using the struct keyword.


struct Bar {
    f32 myFloat;

struct Foo {
    i32 a;
    Bar bar;
    f64 baz;

You can then create these structures like this:

fn main() {
    foo := Foo {
        a = 12,
        bar = Bar {
            myFloat = 10.2
        baz = 3.141592


If taking a pointer to them from another function, you can do so like this:

use std/io;

fn other(Foo *foo) {
    foo.baz = 17.98;

fn main() {
    foo := ; // create Foo


There is no equivalent of the a->b operator in Elle. Any pointer to a struct will automatically be dereferenced before processing any fields in the struct. You can still manually dereference the struct pointer manually if you like, but it will have no difference compared to directly using dot notation. This means that the following code will accurately update the value inside the struct Foo:

use std/io;

struct Foo {
    i32 a;

fn other(Foo *foo) {
    foo.a = 5;

fn main() {
    Foo foo = Foo { a = 100 };
    io::println(foo.a); // foo.a is now 5 not 100

You can also define methods on structs (and primitive types):

use std/io;

struct Foo {
    i32 a;

fn Foo::add(Foo self, Foo other) {
    return Foo { a = self.a + other.a };

fn main() {
    Foo foo1 = Foo { a = 10 };
    Foo foo2 = Foo { a = 30 };

    Foo res1 = foo1.add(foo2);
    Foo res2 = Foo::add(foo1, foo2);

    $dbg(res1.a, res2.a);

You can define it like this to create instance methods:

instance_method = "fn" namespace "::" name "(" [args] ")"
args = arg {"," arg} ;
arg = type name ;

You can then either call them like this:

let foo = Foo::new();;

or like this:

let foo = Foo::new();

In this case, `foo1.add(foo2)` is an identical expression to `Foo::add(foo1, foo2)`
For more examples, please view [vectors.le](

You may also specify that self is a <ty> * instead of a <ty> if you require editing it in-place:

use std/io;

struct Foo {
    i32 a;

fn Foo::divideBy(Foo *self, i32 num) {
    self.a /= num;

fn main() {
    Foo foo = Foo { a = 10 };

    $dbg(foo.a); // foo.a = 5

The compiler will automatically pass the address of foo instead of foo itself to the function.
In the case of a method that takes in a self pointer, the equivalent expression to foo1.divideBy(2) is Foo::divideBy(&foo1, 2).


  • Elle allows you to create generic structs and functions which may hold any inner type.

For example, here's a generic function which allows you to pass both integers and floats:

fn add<T>(T x, T y) {
    return x + y;

fn main() {
    add(1, 2);
    add(1.2, 1.3);

Notice how seamless using the generic was? Elle was able to infer 2 things here: T is whatever type x and y are, and the return type is also T. This means, even though you can, you usually don't need to explicitly specify all the generics. This is a more verbose but still correct way to do it:

fn add<T>(T x, T y) -> T {
    return x + y;

fn main() {
    add<i32>(1, 2);
    add<f32>(1.2, 1.3);

Generic structs are created as follows:

struct Foo<T> {
    T a;

fn main() {
    Foo<i32> x = Foo { a = 1 };
    Foo<string> y = Foo { a = "hello world!" };

In this struct, the a field can be of any type. Note that for structs, you cannot explicitly declare their inner type. You must do so via inference. Elle will infer the inner type based on the struct's variable declaration most of the time. Take the example above, where we declare Foo<i32> x = Foo { a = 1 };. The Elle compiler sees that the type of the left hand side and right hand side are both of Foo, however it sees that the right hand side is a struct declaration of a generic struct, so it uses the left hand side to infer the inner types of the right hand side.

This allows for almost rust-like declarations of generic structs and their methods:

use std/io;

struct Foo<T, U> {
    T a;
    U b;

fn Foo::new<T, U>(T a, U b) -> Foo<T, U> {
    return Foo { a = a, b = b };

fn Foo::double_all<T, U>(Foo<T, U> *self) {
    self.a *= 2;
    self.b *= 2;

fn Foo::get_a<T, U>(Foo<T, U> self) -> T {
    return self.a;

fn Foo::get_b<T, U>(Foo<T, U> self) -> U {
    return self.a;

fn main() {
    Foo<i32, f32> foo = Foo::new(10, 1.2);
    $dbg(foo.get_b(), foo.b);

From this you can get a quick grasp of how to use generics effectively. The struct uses 2 generics, and as all methods require to define the self argument's type, this means that you need to type <T, U> on every function that takes a Foo<T, U>. This is slightly verbose, and in the future I may allow for syntax to simplify it in the future.

Command line arguments (argc/argv)

  • You can optionally accept an array of strings (string[]) as the 0th argument in your main function, which will cause the compiler to create this array out of argc and argv.

If your main function does not accept this array, the array will not be created.

Here is an example of how you can use it:

fn main(string[] args) {
    let program = args.remove(0);

    for arg in args {
        if arg == "foo" {
            io::printf("i received a foo in my {}!", program);

Keep in mind that to use this, you must have the dynamic array module imported. You can either manually import std/collections/array, or import std/prelude which imports the array module inside.

Sigils (identifier prefixes)

  • As you might have noticed, Elle has a notion of "sigils" which are used as prefixes to the names of various things to give them a special meaning.

These are the current sigils:

The $x sigil (stdlib alias):

  • Used to alias a common standard library function.

The #x sigil (directive):

  • Used to denote a compiler built-in.

The @x sigil (attribute):

  • Used to denote a tag that can be placed on a function or struct.

For more information on stdlib alises, directives and attributes, please read below the below chapters.

& is not really a sigil, but it can be included here anyway. The &x expr gives you the address of x. You can read more about this in the Unary Operators chapter.

Standard library aliases

  • Used to alias a common standard library function which should be easily accessible but also shouldn't pollute the global namespace.
  • Examples of this include:
    • io::dbg(...) -> $dbg(...)
    • io::panic(...) -> $panic(...)
    • Tuple::new(...) -> $(...)
    • Triple::new(...) -> $$(...)
  • Note that this is created as an alias of the original function. This means you can call io::dbg instead of $dbg, for example.


  • These are compiler builtins you can call to get a result at compile-time.

The current existing directives are:

  • #len(static_array_expr) - Gives you the length of a static array
  • #size(T) - Gives you the size of type T in bytes
  • #i(ident) - Gives you the iterator in a foreach loop given the current element
  • #env - Gives you a ElleEnv * which is a global environment structure
  • #alloc(T, size?) - Allows you to allocate a specific type using the current allocator
  • #realloc(ptr_expr, T, size?) - Allows you to reallocate a pointer with a specific type using the current allocator
  • #free(ptr_expr) - Frees a pointer using the current allocator. If the allocator didn't define a free method, this does nothing.
  • #set_allocator(allocator_expr) - Sets the current allocator to the one specified by allocator_expr
  • #reset_allocator() - Sets the current allocator back to #env.default_allocator. Does not call #env.allocator.free_self.


  • These are tags you can put on functions to specify extra functionality

The current existing attributes are:

  • Alias - Allows you to specify an alias for external functions @alias("name")
  • Volatile - Allows you to specify that Elle should not discard this function if it is unused. @volatile
  • Format - Puts every argument through its formatter before passing it to the function @fmt
  • NoFormat - Specifies that a struct should not have a format function automatically generated for it @nofmt
  • Manual - Will prevent including an automatic "dummy" jump at the end of functions that do not return @manual

The @manual attribute is useful for functions written in pure IR, where you are returning from the interface of the IR not the language itself.

Example of attribute usage:

// Attributes go BEFORE the return type
// The alias attribute will be purposefully ignored
// because this function is not external
fn add(i32 x, i32 y) @alias("foo") @volatile -> i32 {
    return x + y;

// The volatile attribute will be purposefully ignored
// because external functions do not generate IR
external fn printf(string formatter, ...) @alias("formatted_print") @volatile;

If you specify an alias attribute on a non-external function, you will only be warned, an error will not be thrown. Keep in mind that external functions do not generate IR, so the @volatile attribute will have no effect on them.


Elle allows you to specify how your structs should be formatted. By default, structs will automatically have a format function generated for them by the compiler. If you want to make your own, simply create it as a struct method:

struct Foo<T> {
    T a;
    T b;

fn Foo::__fmt__<T>(Foo<T> self, i32 nesting) {
    return string::format("{}", self.a + self.b);

Some things to keep in mind:

  • The format function must return a string.
  • The format function takes a nesting argument. This is used to determine the depth of nested structs when printed.

If an automatically generated struct's format method is too much bloat and you need the size of your executable to be small, you can specify that a struct should not generate an automatic formatting method with the @nofmt attribute:

struct Foo<T> @nofmt {
    T a;
    T b;

If you try to print Foo however, you will get a compiler error.

To create functions that use these formattings, you can specify the @fmt attribute:

use std/io;

fn foo(ElleMeta meta, ...args) @fmt {
    for i32 i = 0; i < meta.arity; i += 1 {
        string arg = args.yield(string); // The formatter will return a string
        // Do something with it like printing it

fn main() {
    foo(1, "hi", true);

To the compiler, this signals that every argument should be ran through its formatter. The equivalent code without @fmt is:

use std/io;

fn foo(ElleMeta meta, ...args) {
    for i32 i = 0; i < meta.arity; i += 1 {
        string arg = args.yield(string);

fn main() {
    // Keep in mind __fmt__ *must* return a string.
    // The compiler will throw an error if it doesn't.
    foo(i32::__fmt__(1, 0), string::__fmt__("hi", 0), bool::__fmt__(true, 0));

You can also define a function which formats everything except the arguments you specify. This is especially useful for formatting instance methods defined on structs:

use std/prelude;

struct Foo {
    i32 x;

// ElleMeta is already not formatted
fn Foo::format(ElleMeta meta, @nofmt Foo *self, ...args) @fmt {
    res := "{}\n".format(self.x);

    // account for `self`
    for i in 0..meta.arity - 1 {
        res <>= args.yield(string);
        res <>= i < meta.arity - 2 ? "\n" : "";

    return res;

fn main() {
    foo := Foo { x = 39 };
    $dbg(foo.format(1.2, "bar", "baz"));

Objects and linking

You may specify that Elle should emit an Object file instead of an executable by passing the -c flag.

If you want to use an object file in your project, you can do so like this:

// foo.le
// `add` must be public so that it is exported
// and must be volatile to prevent DCE from removing it
pub fn add(i32 a, i32 b) @volatile {
    return a + b;

Then, compile it into an object file:

$ ellec -c foo.le

which will emit foo.o

Finally, use it:

// main.le
use std/io;

external fn add(i32 a, i32 b) -> i32;

fn main() {
    io::println(add(23, 16));

and compile it:

$ ellec main.le foo.o && ./main

External symbols

  • An external symbol is a definition for a function or constant that was defined elsewhere (such as in C) and is implicitly defined in Elle. This is used to give definition and context to functions that were not defined in Elle but you wish to use in when writing Elle code.

You can do this with the following example:

external fn printf(string formatter, ...);

It essentially tells Elle where it should put the variadic argument starter. You could exclude this, if you like, but you will have to explicitly declare where the variadic arguments begin, because Elle no longer has this context.

You can also make these statements public:

pub external fn fprintf(FILE *fd, string formatter, ...);

In fact the order of prefixes before fn is not enforced, you can write external pub fn and achieve the same result.

You may also alias exported functions, and allow them to be accessible through a pseudo-namespace:

pub external fn InitWindow(i32 width, i32 height, string title) @alias("raylib::init_window");
struct raylib {};

// You can now call raylib::init_window() and it will internally reference the InitWindow symbol

Technical note: This declaration does not emit any IR code. This means that all these definitions do is provide more information and context to the compiler. They do not change the output of the program directly.

♡ If you have any questions, please raise an issue :3

All contributions to this project are welcome and I love talking about this stuff!

How to run

  • Ensure you have Rust, Cargo and the QBE compiler backend.

      $ git clone
      $ cd elle
      $ make

    to install the compiler and standard library (installs into ~/.local/ by default)


      $ make compile-release

    to get only a compiler executable and not install anything (does not require root)

    • You're done!

♡ You can now run ellec to get a help message of how to use the compiler!

Try compiling a simple example!

  $ ellec ./examples/donut.le && ./donut

Try compiling an example with libraries!

  $ ellec ./examples/ball.le -z -lraylib && ./ball


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