This is a template that I use for new projects. This the bleeding edge version, if you're interested in a more mature alternative, please see this repo. It already has some basic stuff setup, such as:
- Jetpack Compose
- Jake Wharton's Molecule library
- Retrofit + OKHttp
- Coroutines
- Flows and StateFlows
- Koin dependency injection
- Unidirectional data-flow with MVI-like architecture (leveraging ViewModels)
- JUnit tests (with Mockito)
- Permission dispatcher library
The app itself connects to Flickr and displays a list of images. You can search for particular tags or you can sort the images.
Note: there is a bug with the Molecule library that makes text fields behave strangely when the user types too fast. See this issue
- Migrate Gradle scripts to the Kotlin DSL
- CI Integration
- Maybe extract some usecases
- Compose UI tests