📨 Send emails right from your terminal.
We use this tool to send an informational email whenever someone logs in to one of our servers. Intended usage is via pam_exec(8).
Emails are sent directly via SMTP. The config is read from a json file, see Config.
The message body is produced via go templates, see Templates.
Download an archive (.tar.gz
) from the latest release and run the install.sh
Add the following snippet to /etc/pam.d/sshd
session required pam_exec.so /usr/local/bin/smtp-cli -config /usr/local/etc/smtp-cli/config.json -template /usr/local/etc/smtp-cli/template.gotmpl
"host": "mail.example.org",
"port": 465,
"username": "no-reply@example.org",
"password": "",
"from": "monitor <no-reply@example.org>",
"to": [
"info <info@example.org>"
"subject": "New login to the server"
The following variables are made available to the go template:
Variable | Type |
Host | string |
User | string |
RemoteUser | string |
RemoteHost | string |
Tty | string |
Timestamp | time.Time |