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It's rough work of 'Bhai-Lang', a toy programing language
npm run phone
hi bhai
is the entrypoint for the program and all program must end with bye bhai
. Anything outside of it will be ignored.
This will be ignored
hi bhai
// Write code here
bye bhai
This too
Variables can be declared using bhai ye hai
hi bhai
bhai ye hai a = 10;
bhai ye hai b = "two";
bhai ye hai c = 15;
a = a + 1;
b = 21;
c *= 2;
bye bhai
Numbers and strings are like other languages. Null values can be denoted using nalla
. sahi
and galat
are the boolean values.
hi bhai
bhai ye hai a = 10;
bhai ye hai b = 10 + (15*20);
bhai ye hai c = "two";
bhai ye hai d = 'ok';
bhai ye hai e = nalla;
bhai ye hai f = sahi;
bhai ye hai g = galat;
bye bhai
Use bol bhai
to print anything to console.
hi bhai
bol bhai "Hello World";
bhai ye hai a = 10;
bhai ye hai b = 20;
bol bhai a + b;
bol bhai 5, 'ok', nalla , sahi , galat;
bye bhai
Bhailang supports simple if else construct , agar bhai
block will execute if condition is sahi
and warna bhai
block will execute if condition is galat
hi bhai
bhai ye hai a = 10;
agar bhai (a < 25) {
bol bhai "a is less than 25";
} warna bhai {
bol bhai "a is greater than or equal to 25";
bye bhai
Statements inside jab tak bhai
blocks are executed as long as a specified condition evaluates to sahi
. If the condition becomes galat
, statement within the loop stops executing and control passes to the statement following the loop. Use bas kar bhai
to break the loop and agla dekh bhai
to continue within loop.
hi bhai
bhai ye hai a = 0;
jab tak bhai (a < 10) {
a += 1;
agar bhai (a == 5) {
bol bhai "andar se bol bhai ", a;
agla dekh bhai;
agar bhai (a == 6) {
bas kar bhai;
bol bhai a;
bol bhai "done";
bye bhai