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Cloudnet development toolkit

Docker configuration for running all Cloudnet projects locally.

The toolkit requires Docker version ≥ 20 and Docker Compose version ≥ 2.2.


First create a directory for all repositories and clone this repository there:

mkdir cloudnet
cd cloudnet
git clone

Then run to fetch other repositories:

cd dev-toolkit

You can later pull the latest changes by running again.


First, make sure that you have Docker installed. After that:

mkdir -p db/data
docker compose build

The first run will take a long time. Subsequent runs are faster.

Then install Node dependencies to your host system:

docker compose run --rm dataportal-backend npm install
docker compose run --rm dataportal-frontend npm install
docker compose run --rm dataportal-frontend sh -c 'cd /shared && npm install'
docker compose run --rm storage-service npm install

Finally, configure data portal environment variables:

cp ../dataportal/backend/dev.env.template ../dataportal/backend/dev.env

To enable DOI minting, You need to the update your dev.env with correct credentials.

To destroy existing containers, and build & install the project from the scratch, you can issue:


Unlock encrypted files (only internal developers)

Unlock encrypted pid-service test credentials:

cd pid-service/
git-crypt unlock


The system can be run in either local or remote mode. In remote mode storage-service will use production S3, and processing is disabled (data access is read only).

Local mode

To start the system in local mode, issue:

docker compose up


./ local is a small wrapper around docker compose.

If you are starting the system in local mode for the first time, you may need to populate the dataportal database.

Remote mode (only internal developers)

First, make sure that you have cloned the secrets repository from actris-cloudnet and unlocked them using git-crypt unlock.

To start the system in remote mode, issue:

./ # Download remote dbs
./ remote # Start in remote mode, you will be asked for your GPG password

After the local postgres instance has been populated, it is enough to issue ./ remote to start the system in remote mode.


Stop containers by pressing Ctrl+C.

Destroy containers by running:

docker compose down

Additional scripts

  • ./ Download recent data from remote DB.
  • ./ Download remote DB. Uses a cached DB file if such exists. To force re-download use -u.

For instructions on how to populate the development DB with test fixtures, see here.

Accessing database

It's recommended to install pgcli for interactive use. After installation, run the following command to access dataportal database:

./ dataportal

To access storage-service database, run:

./ ss

In some cases, you might want to connect straight to the database. Then use the following commands:

docker compose exec db psql dataportal
docker compose exec db psql ss

Exposed ports

The following ports are exposed from the containers to localhost:

  • 8080 Development frontend
  • 3000 Development backend
  • 3001 Test backend
  • 3005 Citation service
  • 5800 PID service
  • 5900 Storage service
  • 54321 PostgreSQL
  • 8086 InfluxDB (username: admin, password: admin)
  • 5921 Storage service mock (for tests)




Docker-based development environment






Contributors 4

