Block comments must have non-empty content.
The require-jsdoc lint rule can enforce that a jsdoc comment exists, but it doesn't validate that the comment has any content, which is the point of having a comment. This is compounded by the fact that require-jsdoc
is "fixable" by populating an empty jsdoc comment, which means there may be no explicit impetus to go back and fill it in. In general, an empty block comment has dubious value/intention.
This rule will alarm when any block comment--jsdoc or otherwise--is empty (i.e., has only whitespace content).
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
const myVar = 4;
/* */
const myVar2 = 5;
Examples of correct code for this rule:
* This comment not empty!
const myVar = 4;
/* info */
const myVar2 = 5;
// Empty line comments are:
// OK
const myVar3 = 6;
If you don't care about having empty block/jsdoc comments.
- require-jsdoc lint rule