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ESLint Plugin

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My collection of miscellaneous custom ESLint rules!


npm install eslint-plugin-adamhamlin --save-dev


Add adamhamlin to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file:

    "plugins": ["adamhamlin"]

Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section.

    "rules": {
        "adamhamlin/no-empty-block-comment": "error",
        "adamhamlin/opt-in-sort": "error",
        "adamhamlin/forbid-pattern-everywhere": [
                "patterns": ["bleep|bloop"]


This plugin makes the following lint rules available:

  • no-emppty-block-comment - Block comments must have non-empty content.
  • opt-in-sort - Enforce sorting of object keys, array values, or TS enums/interfaces/types by adding the @sort annotation.
  • forbid-pattern-everywhere - Specified pattern(s) are disallowed everywhere--in variables, functions, literals, property names, classes, types, interfaces, etc.


  • Use eslint-doc-generator to generate the rules list?