LTP Smart Speaker
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Disclaimer: these instructions are for windows
Raspberry Pi 4
Forward the Rasp_Pi_Case.stl file to 3D technician for printing
Connect the arduino to the 8 x 8 LED display using 5 male to female wires as displayed in the diagram below
Place 8 x 8 LED display into the 3D printed case
Connect the arduino board to laptop using the arduino USB charing cable. Open the talk.ino file in the Arduino desk app.
First press the tick icon in the top left to verify the file. When verification is finished then press the right arrow icon to upload the animation.
Software needed: Raspberry pi imager
Install the raspberry pi imager software using the link above or the by following this page
Insert the microSD card into the adapter then into the laptop.
After opening the imager software, press the button that states “Choose OS”.
Select the first option as seen below
After pressing it scroll down and select the 64-bit raspberry pi os as shown below
Next select the storage by pressing the button in the middle and selecting the respective SD card, after that just press write and wait for it to complete.
After completion insert SD card into the Raspberry Pi.
Plug the Arduino USB power cable into one of the raspberry pi USB ports.
Plug the microphone and speaker into Raspberry Pi USB Ports
Connect Raspberry Pi to power and close the case.
For first time use, plug the Raspberry Pi into a monitor for setup using HDMI cable. Wait for the Raspberry Pi to successfully boot up on the monitor.
Press the Raspberry Pi logo at the top left of the screen Navigate to Preferences>Raspberry Pi Configuration>Hostname Make sure that the Hostname is set as “raspberrypi”
Open the Raspberry Pi command prompt
Type in commands:
git clone
cd mycroft-core
(For the first time only) ./
You will be prompted with yes or no questions answer as follows:
./ takes a long time to run so feel free to grab some coffee
Type in command:
./ cli
(disclaimer: if this command does not work, run ./
(If any other problems arise run this command:./ all restart
, then: ./ cli
To install skills use the following commands in the Mycroft command prompt:
How to get started with the ChatGPT skill.
Open the terminal and write the following command:
cd mycroft-core
Then to install openai by writing pip install openai
Once complete, enter the skills directory with the following command cd skills
Clone the repository by writing
git clone
Then, open the cloned repository in Geany (which can be found by clicking the raspberry pi icon → programming → Geany) and open the settings.json file
Where it says “key: “ input your chatgpt api key after the semi colon but within the quotations.
Warning spotify has multiple issues:
- Spotify skill requires a premium account
- Spotify skill requires a second audio device connected by audio jack
- Spotify skill overwrites radio skill
Firstly we must install the Mycroft spotify skill. When we are in the Mycroft interface we ask Mycroft to
install beta spotify
respond “yes” when Mycroft begins recording. After responding Mycroft will begin to install the spotify by forslund skill onto the Raspberry Pi.
The user will need to register a Spotify developer account.
Before being able to use this newly installed skill, we need to provide the credentials to use spotify’s API. For this we will need to create an “Application” on the Spotify developer dashboard, found at:
After creating a spotify “Application” the user should be provided a “Client ID” and “Service ID”
Then run the commands:
python skills/mycroft-spotify.forslund/
After we have started the API authentication python program, it will ask the user to enter their spotify “Application” “client ID” and “secret ID” provided earlier.
After completing the authorisation process spotify will now be utilisable by the Mycroft program and the user can now request spotify music to be played on a “listening device”. Unfortunately due to spotify no longer supporting the Mycroft spotify API (add reference) the Mycroft AI is no longer registered as a listening device/interface, thus not being able to play music.
This means we will need to give the Raspberry Pi the ability to register as a spotify listening device. For this we are going to utilise the “raspotify” repository to connect to spotify services and register the Raspberry Pi as a listening device.
Disclaimer: editing files with the nano text editor might require changing the terminals directory to “/etc/”
Install the raspotify repository via the command:
sudo apt-get -y install curl && curl -sL | sh
After installing the raspotify repo we need to configure the audio output. Run the command:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y asound-conf-wizard
List audio cards
aplay -l
Run the command below and replace “{card number}” with the desired audio card.
aplay -Dhw:{card number} --dump-hw-params /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Right.wav
(audio card selected should be headphone or audio jack)
Afterwards, we need to edit the “/etc/asound.conf” configuration file which may or may not already exist.
To do this we need to run the command:
sudo nano /etc/asound.conf
Insert the text below and replace the {card number} with the previously entered card slot
defaults.ctl.card {card number}
defaults.pcm.card {card number}
defaults.pcm.dmix.rate 44100
defaults.pcm.dmix.format S32_LE
And save the file before exiting the nano text editor.
Next we need to edit the librespot config.
sudo nano /etc/raspotify/conf
And add your premium spotify accounts credentials to replace the {Spotify Username}
and {Spotify Password}
LIBRESPOT_USERNAME="{Spotify Username}"
LIBRESPOT_PASSWORD="{Spotify Password}"
However if you have disabled discovery for whatever reason and you provided your credentials you will also want to enable credential caching so that librespot will cache the auth token and not have to login every time you connect.
To do this change:
# Disable caching of credentials.
# Caching of credentials is not necessary so long as
# Disable caching of credentials.
# Caching of credentials is not necessary so long as
To make sure all changes take effect you must restart the Raspotify service:
sudo systemctl restart raspotify
To check raspotify has been configured correctly we can run the command:
sudo systemctl status raspotify
Afterwards you might need to reset mycoft-core to apply the changes:
bash restart all
And start mycroft again:
bash debug
Milos Vujovic
Ahmad Shahin
Fatima Marwa Omar
Adam Kalbouneh
Ethan Allen-Harris
Completed on 21/04/2023