The controller has 24 capacitive inputs supported by two MPR121 chips. The MCU is Arduin Pro Micro with Atmega32u4 supporting MIDI communication via USB.
1x Arduino Pro Micro (atmega32u4)
2x MPR121 breakout
2x LED Ws2812B
2x button
1x AMS1117 + 2x 100nf capacitor (3.3 stabilizer voltage)
Mpr121 run only on +3.3 voltage, you must use voltage regulator for example AMS1117.
change default adress (0x5A) - cut jumper ADD/GND , and connct ADD to 3v3 (0x5B), ADD to SDA (0x5C), ADD to SCL (0x5D)
you can connect 4 MPR121 at once i2C
MPR121 → I2c - sda pin - 2 / scl pin - 3 (+ sda and scl 4,7k to 3.3vcc) without logic conver
Down button → Pin 5
Up button → Pin 4
Led ws2812b → Pin 6
Code usage Adafruit MPR1121, Adafruit NeoPixel, MIDIUSB and avdweb_Switch
Mpr121 send MIDI value start from C1 - 36 note midi
Single click DownButton - change octave -1
Single click UpButton - change octave -1
long press DownButton - mute all channels
long press UpButton - resetting mpr threshold + unmute all channels
first led - generate rgb fade effect
second led - show status connector touched, mute/unmute mode, current change octave
-more button & rotary encoder // control change ( play, rec, pause, stop, overdub)