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The Wheel Library

A play on the phrase, "Don't reinvent the wheel," the Wheel Library (libwheel) implements various algorithms and data structures. Some contributions follow existing libraries but with modern designs and techniques. Others are novel and built from scratch. The Wheel project's structure roughly resembles the Boost Library's, separating software collections into different libraries.


The library comprises several software components grouped by category, similar to the Boost Library's structure. The Wheel Library offers the following collections (See each collection's file for more information.):

  • angle: A type-safe angle abstraction that behaves as a circle group element.
  • geometry: A collection of geometry concepts.
  • metaprogramming: A collection of various meta-functions, type traits, and C++ concepts.
  • motion_planning: A collection of sampling-based path and motion planning algorithms.
  • strongly_typed_matrix: A compile-time type-safe compile-time wrapper around the Eigen Matrix library for dimensioned linear algebra.

Building and installing

The Wheel Library is header only and uses CMake as its build system. It's designed to be integrated into other CMake projects, so you can use FetchContent or another mechanism to embed libwheel into your project. If you want to build and install libwheel by itself, there are several CMake customization options.

Note: The Wheel Library requires C++20 or newer.

Required tools

  • CMake: 3.25 or newer
  • If compiling with Clang: 16.0.0 or newer
  • If compiling with GCC: 11.3.0 or newer

Build steps

For building the library with the default options, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the CMake project

    $ cmake -B build .
  2. Build the library

    $ cmake --build build
  3. (Optional) Install the library

    $ sudo cmake --install build  # Install to /usr/local/


    $ cmake --install build --prefix=<install_path>  # Install to custom location

Wheel Library collection options

CMake option Default Value Description
libwheel_BUILD_ANGLE TRUE Build the Wheel Angle Library.
libwheel_BUILD_GEOMETRY TRUE Build the Wheel Geometry Library.
libwheel_BUILD_METAPROGRAMMING TRUE Build the Wheel Metaprogramming Library.
libwheel_BUILD_MOTION_PLANNING TRUE Build the Wheel Motion Planning Library.
libwheel_BUILD_STRONGLY_TYPED_MATRIX TRUE Build the Wheel Strongly-Typed Matrix Library.

Wheel Library general options

CMake option Default Value Description
libwheel_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ${PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL} Export CMake compile commands. This helps IDEs provide accurate IntelliSense features while editing (e.g., code completion).

Scope and roadmap

The library does not have a well-defined scope, but it focuses on motion planning algorithms and supporting software components. If there is a feature that you want to see added, create a new thread in the Discussions tab.


Need some help or want to chat about the library? Head to the repository's Discussions tab to connect with someone.


Want to help improve the library? Check out the contribution guidelines to get started.


See the file for license information.