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My DWM Rice



The installation script is designed for a minimal Arch Linux install, but may work on some Arch-based distros.


This rice relies on having a permament existing dwm/ directory. Don't remove the directory after setup.

To install, execute the following commands:


This might overwrite your existing dotfiles. Make sure to back everything up.

git clone --depth 1
cd dwm

To update, execute the following commands:


You might need to re-run ./ after an update.

Installation Preview

Installation Preview

Keybind List

Keybind Description
SUPER + RETURN Spawns kitty (terminal)
SUPER + SHIFT + RETURN Spawns rofi (application launcher)
PRNTSCR Spawns flameshot gui (screenshot utility)
SUPER + DOWN or RIGHT Moves focus to previous window
SUPER + UP or LEFT Moves focus to next window
SUPER + SHIFT + UP or RIGHT Resizes selected window up or right
SUPER + SHIFT + DOWN or LEFT Resizes selected window down or left
SUPER + LMB Drags selected window
SUPER + RMB Resizes selected window
SUPER + I Increases master window
SUPER + D Decreases master window
SUPER + TAB Enters focus mode
SUPER + SHIFT + TAB Exits focus mode
SUPER + SHIFT + C Kills selected window
SUPER + SPACE Toggles floating mode
SUPER + F Toggles fullscreen mode
SUPER + , Moves focus to previous monitor
SUPER + . Moves focus to next monitor
SUPER + SHIFT + , Moves selected window to previous monitor
SUPER + SHIFT + . Moves selected window to next monitor
SUPER + 1-9 Moves focus to a tag 1-9
SUPER + 0 Shows all windows
SUPER + SHIFT + Q Kills dwm
SUPER + SHIFT + W Restarts dwm
CTRL + SHIFT + E Spawns emote picker