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*** nextjs is server side rendering , suppose user have request on browsers, so by default the next.js server are installed on my browsers and when users request our website on browsers, so the next.js render the require data with help of props with help of javascript, this means users are seen are page very immediately. ***
*** next js convert yout jpg,png image into webp on server to fetch image on client side immediately and only deliver the image size file for the device you want out of the box ***
*** Next js automaticaaly resize the image depend upon your device resolution means #lower resolution image for lower resolution devices ***
*** create next app with npx *** npx create-next-app [your app name]
*** Install tailwind via npm *** npm install -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest
*** For Create your configuration files for tailwind *** npx tailwindcss init -p
*** eslint tips and tricks ***
_rfce ,command for create a function components
*** Props in react are basically allows to reuse a components is a fundamental to write code once and use in many times ***
*** Install heroicon via npm *** npm install @heroicons/react
*** hide tailwind scrollbar via npm *** npm install tailwind-scrollbar-hide
*** Install react flipmove via npm *** npm install react-flip-move
*** next.js docs ***
*** heroicons url ***
*** Tailwind css docs ***
Live Website url