- Make sure you're on node v22.6.0.
- Check with
node -v
- Use nvm to switch to the right version if needed.
- Git clone and switch to a new branch. You can name it firstname-lastname. Like john-doe. See Git Tips
- Install node packages.
npm install
- Run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
- The website is laid out within src/app. globals.css, layout.tsx, and page.tsx (within src/app) control the whole website, so they generally shouldn't be modified.
- The components for the individual pages can be found within src/app/components.
- Within src/app/components, you will find: CalendarPage Header PolaroidsPage ComputerPage HomePage Sidebar.
- Each folder has files controlling each component.
To switch to your own branch:
git checkout -b firstname-lastname
After making changes, stage your changes:
git add .
and commit:
git commit -m "Your commit message here"
Then push to your branch (not to main):
git push origin firstname-lastname
- Codeium and ChatGPT are your best friend. Copy and paste files. Use very detailed, specific prompts, and give as much context as possible. I don't reccommend sending screenshots of the figma... it's not very good at that.