Creates awesome HTML (dashboard view) report by parsing robotframework output.xml file
Sample Report link
Whats new in v3.1.7 link
Source Code used to parse output.xml in metrics report link
Read output.xml file using robotframework API
Get Suite, Test Case , Keyword , Status and Elapsed time values
Convert data to html report using Beautifulsoup
Step 1 Install robotmetrics
Case 1: Using pip
pip install robotframework-metrics==3.1.6
Case 2: Using (clone project and run command within root)
python install
Case 3: For latest changes use following command (pre-release or changes in master)
pip install git+
Step 2 Execute robotmetrics command to generate report
Case 1: No change in output.xml, log.html file name's and user is in same folder
Case 2: Change in output.xml, log.html file name's And .xml and .html files are under 'Result' folder
robotmetrics --inputpath ./Result/ --output output1.xml --log log1.html
robotframework-metrics can parse multiple xmls at a time. Following is the command
robotmetrics --inputpath ./Result/ --output "output1.xml,output2.xml" --log log1.html
For more info on command line options use:
robotmetrics --help
Step 3 RobotFramework Metrics Report metric-timestamp.html file will be created in current folder | -inputpath
if specified
Note: From v3.1.6 users can specify custom_report_name instead of metrics-timestamp.html
robotmetrics -M regression_metrics.html
Specify Logo in Robotframework metrics:
Custom Logo : Customize your logo by using --logo command line option
--logo "https://mycompany/logo.jpg"
users can exclude keywords in metrics report using--ignorekeywords
commandrobotmetrics -k True
By default
users can exclude Logs tab in metrics report using--ignorelogs
commandrobotmetrics -l True
By default
users can include full suite name in metrics report using--fullsuitename
commandrobotmetrics -s True
By default
Use command line options to ignore library keywords
--ignore "Collections,Selenium2Library"
In Metric report, keywords with type value 'for' and 'foritem' are ignored
Following library keywords are ignored in Metrics Report
ignore_library = [ 'BuiltIn', 'SeleniumLibrary', 'String', 'Collections', 'DateTime', ]
Execute robotmetrics command after suite or test execution as follows:
Create .bat (or) .sh file with following snippet
robot test.robot & robotmetrics [:options]
& is used to execute multiple command's in .bat file
Modify robotmetrics command as required and execute .bat file
Robotframework metrics will be created after execution
If you have any questions / suggestions / comments on the report, please feel free to reach me at
Survey Link
Special Thanks To:
Idea, Guidance and Support:
- Steve Fisher
- Goutham Duduka
Pekka Klarck [Author of robotframework]
- Contributed source to get 'Test Case' name from keyword
- Suggested to use robotframework api to parse output.xml content
- Contributed source to use command line options for report
- Made robotmetrics installable (pip)
- Contributed source to improve performance
- Contributed source to use ArgParser
- Contributed source to provide a human readable error if output.xml does not exist
- Contributed source to parse multiple xml's
- Fixed distorted image
- Contributed source to specify custom metrics file name
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