Aim: To integrate rvmyth with a PLL (Phase Locked Loop) as a clock multiplier using open-source EDA tools. The whole project focuses on Mixed Signal Physical Design.
RVMYTH - RISC V Core, test program is loaded into instruction memory.avsdpll_1v8: PLL designed by VSD works as a multiplier (output_freq = x.input_freq). Depends on the drive strength of the buffers used in designing the PLL.
Generated output frequency is connected to the CLK pin of the processor. The functionality of the setup is tested using RTL and FPGA flows.
- Makerchip is a free web-based IDE as well as available as makerchip-app, a virtual desktop application for developing high-quality integrated circuits.
- Icarus Verilog is a Verilog simulation and synthesis tool.
- GTKWave is a waveform viewer.
- Xilinx Vivado provides complete SoC-strength, IP-centric and system-centric, next generation development environment. Currently, this project is done using Vivado HL Design Edition 2019.1.
pip3 install sandpiper-saas
sandpiper-saas -i design.tlv -o --iArgs
iverilog rvmyth_pll_tb.v rvmyth_pll.v clk_gate.v
gtkwave rvmyth_pll.vcd
out[7:0]runs from 0-255, 255-0 and so on.
out(analog format) has peak value of 255.
FPGA board used - Zedboard Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Development Board
Observation: Faced hold violation in false path
False path has been indicated with red. Add false path constraint in vivado to ignore them.
Modify constraints.xdc -
set_false_path -hold -from [get_pins uut1/inst/plle2_adv_inst/CLKOUT0] -to [get_pins uut3/inst/ila_core_inst/*/D]
set_false_path -hold -from [get_pins uut1/inst/plle2_adv_inst/CLKOUT0] -to [get_pins uut3/inst/ila_core_inst/u_trig/U_TM/N_DDR_MODE.G_NMU[2].U_M/allx_typeA_match_detection.ltlib_v1_0_0_allx_typeA_inst/*/D]