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This repository contains an archive of competition problems for Coding Competitions, Google-organized programming competitions. Problem data for problems used in the following contests is updated:

  • Distributed Code Jam
  • Code Jam
  • Code Jam to I/O for Women
  • Hash Code
  • Kick Start

The statement and analysis HTML files may have CSS or JS dependencies that are not provided here. Some of the custom judging code may also have library dependencies that are not provided, so they may not work as is. All problem-specific logic is there, however, so it should be useful if you intend to reproduce the behavior.

Some analysis for Distributed Code Jam problems could not be added, so a commented solution for the problem was added instead.

There is no plan to add data for problems for other contests (like Code Jam for Europython, or local/regional Code Jams) at this time.


Code Jam Solutions are implemented in Rust for problem-sets from 2008,9 timeframe, and in Python for the problem-sets that follow.

Convenience scripts such as the following can be used to create a tmux+helix based IDE setup,

alias sd='cd $(find * -type d | fzf)'
alias gd='git diff --word-diff'
function rn() {
    python3 < data/secret/subtask$1/ > data/secret/subtask$1/1.ans && gd --color data/secret/subtask$1/1.ans | tail -n +6 | head -n 32
    if [ -z "$(gd data/secret/subtask$1/1.ans)" ]; then
        echo "Validation successful!"
alias tx='tmux new-session \; set -s escape-time 0 \; split-window -h -l 150 \; set -g status off \; bind-key 1 send-keys -t 0 "rn 1" Enter \; bind-key 2 send-keys -t 0 "rn 2" Enter \; attach'
alias xp='hx'

The above script includes the following

  • sd for navigating repository
  • tx to start tmux split-pane session for code execution and editor views
  • xp to start helix editor for
  • Ctrl+b 1,Ctrl+b 2 to test the solution implementations against the provided answers


Google Coding Competitions problem archive



Code of conduct





  • HTML 92.7%
  • Python 5.0%
  • C++ 1.4%
  • Rust 0.6%
  • Java 0.2%
  • Go 0.1%