Vite + React + TypeScript + TailwindCSS + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Lint-Staged
- 🦾 Up to date libraries version and their features
- 🔎 Pre-configured and extensible ESLint configuration without wrong and unused rules designed for old React versions
- 💅 Pre-configured and extensible Prettier configuration
- 🔬 Git hooks for code formatting and linting pre-commit
npx degit adityahimaone/vite-react-ts-template my-app
cd my-app
# Required if you want a repository and work with Git hooks
git init
yarn install
yarn dev
Run in development mode
yarn dev
Create production build
yarn build
Run ESLint linting
yarn lint
Run Prettier formatting
yarn format
Run TypeScript compiling
yarn compile
Serve production build locally
yarn preview