Implemenetation of 2016 paper "Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention" on Flickr8k dataset.
- Image Captioning using high level VGG19 features
- Soft and Hard Attention
- Focus will be on decoder
- VGG19 will take 224 * 224 * 3 image and generate 512 feature maps of size 14 * 14
- Each pixel of 14x14 feature map represents a region of image, so we have 512 features for a region of image.
- We will represent 196 regions with 512 features for each region.
- Soft attention is when we calculate the context vector as a weighted sum of the encoder features.
- Hard attention is when, instead of weighted average of all encoder features, we use attention scores to select a single hidden state.
- Here we will use Soft Attention.