This is my collection of code solutions to Reddit's r/DailyProgrammer subreddit. I have intentionally left some solutions unfinished to document the progression of my thought process. When possible, I've included a flowchart of the initial path to work through the solution. It may not describe the final execution path of the code, but is another way I tried to document my thought process.
The folder name format is XXXY where XXX stands for the challenge number and Y is the difficulty level of the challenge (E for Easy, I for Intermediate, and H for Hard).
I compiled the code with the Java 9 build 181 compiler. Solutions I've so far developed with clickable links to their problem descriptions in reddit (including unfinished ones) are as follows:
- 335 Easy - Consecutive Distance Rating (unfinished)
- 338 Easy - Day Of Week: Done without Java 8's time API. Did the calculation in two different ways. One using a year iterator and another with just the months.
- 340 Easy - First Recurring Character
- 341 Easy - Repeating numbers in a number sequence. (unfinished) Got discouraged at this point and took a break to solve Project Euler problems to sharpen my thinking.
- 344 Easy - Baum Sweet Sequence. First time using Java 8 streams. Fastest I've got to a solution!