Classes to communicate to various devices using Prologix compatibe USB-GPIB-adapters
Beware: This is just a set of scripts to simplity communicating between a PC using a Prologix compatible USB-GPIB-adapter and some multimeters or other devices. Do not expect a full-fledged library or stable API between devices (yet?)
- pyserial
All adapters using a prologix compatible protocol should work. Adapters using different protocols like classic GPIB dongles are not supported. Most code was tested using fenrirs GPIB-USBCDC dongle.
The main class can be used to communicate with most GPIB compatible devices. There are additional classes for specific devices imprementing the corresponding protocols.
Most functions are supported. Additionally you can read calibration SRAM data to a file.
- Write calibration data
Not yet implemented, WIP
Not yet implemented
Consider these examples, not much functionality
A simple TK gui showing current measurement value, function and range of a HP3478A multimeter. Requires pygubu.
A script polling a HP3478A multimeter every second and write the data to InfluxDB to be visualized using Grafana or Chronograf. Requires influxdb-python.