Volt Pro is a premium Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 800 components, 20 example pages and 10 fully customized plugin written in Vanilla Javascript.
This product is built using the following widely used technologies:
- Most popular CSS Framework Bootstrap
- Productive workflow tool Gulp
- Awesome CSS preprocessor Sass
800+ Components, 20 Example Pages - There are more than 800 premium Bootstrap 5 components included with the admin dashboard, some of which are buttons, forms, alerts, datepickers, range sliders and many more. Volt Pro comes with 20 example pages including the overview page, messages, user settings, transactions, calendar, sign in, sign up, and many more pages.
10 Lightweight Plugins - There are at least 10 lightweight Vanilla JS plugin libraries that we have customized and expanded in terms of features that you can use for your application. Some of these are a calendar, SVG maps, datepickers, notifications, drag and drop file uploads and many more.
Tooling - Sass files and a Gulp commands file that will let you build minified and un-minified project files with the ability to even add certain blocks of code based on your environment.
- Product Page - hosted by Themesberg
- Product Docs - Quick Start - official product documentation
Volt Dashboard PRO - Main Dashboard
Volt Dashboard PRO - Charts Page
Volt Dashboard PRO - Calendar Page
Volt Dashboard PRO - Sign IN Page
Volt Dashboard PRO - Premium Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard provided by Themesberg.