- OpenJDK 21 Installation
- On macOS XCode is required.
- On Windows the free WiX Toolset is required.
All operating system must be set environment variables below:
The platform-specific icons can be found inside hello-jpackage/jpackage/logo
To do everything up until the actual installer generation (including generating the custom JVM):
mvn clean javafx:run
mvn clean javafx:jlink
jpackage --type app-image \
--name JavaFxHelloApp \
--module com.example.javafx/com.example.javafx.HelloApplication \
--runtime-image ./target/runtime-image \
--dest ./target/
cd convert
./gen.sh in/commons-lang3-3.5.jar
./build.sh in/commons-lang3-3.5.jar commons.lang
jdeps --list-deps out/commons.lang.jar
# 运行
mvn clean javafx:run
# 裁切
mvn clean javafx:jlink
<!-- Default configuration for running with: mvn clean javafx:run -->
<!-- 主程序Jar入口 -->
<!-- 依赖Jar仓库 -->
<!-- javafx 项目不需要install到maven仓库,所以跳过install -->
# 编译
mvn clean package
# 本机JDK试运行
java --module-path ./target/libs/launch:./target/libs/javafx --add-modules com.example.javafx -jar ./target/libs/launch/JavaFxHelloApp.jar
# 裁切jdk
jlink --module-path ./target/libs/launch:./target/libs/javafx --add-modules com.example.javafx --output ./target/runtime-image --no-header-files --no-man-pages
# 裁切JDK试运行
./target/runtime-image/bin/java -jar ./target/libs/launch/JavaFxHelloApp.jar
# 裁切打包成功
jpackage --type app-image \
--name JavaFxHelloApp \
-m com.example.javafx/com.example.javafx.HelloApplication \
--runtime-image ./target/runtime-image \
--dest ./target/
# 编译
mvn clean package
# 本机JDK试运行
java --module-path ./target/libs/javafx --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar ./target/libs/JavaFxHelloApp.jar
# 裁切jdk
jlink --module-path ./target/libs/javafx --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml --output ./target/runtime-image --no-header-files --no-man-pages
# 裁切JDK试运行
./target/runtime-image/bin/java -jar ./target/libs/launch/JavaFxHelloApp.jar
# 裁切打包成功
jpackage --type app-image \
--name JavaFxHelloApp \
--runtime-image ./target/runtime-image \
--input ./target/libs/launch \
--main-jar JavaFxHelloApp.jar \
--main-class com.example.javafx.HelloApplication \
--dest ./target/
<exec executable="jpackage">
<!-- macOS 可选参数:dmg 或者 app-image -->
<arg value="--type"/>
<arg value="dmg"/>
<arg value="--name"/>
<arg value="${app-name}"/>
<arg value="-m"/>
<arg value="${main-module}/${main-class}"/>
<arg value="--runtime-image"/>
<arg value="${project.build.directory}/runtime-image"/>
<arg value="--icon"/>
<arg value="${project.basedir}/jpackage/logo/macosx/duke.icns"/>
<arg value="--dest"/>
<arg value="${project.build.directory}"/>
<!-- 可以添加更多 jpackage 参数 -->