你甚至可以设置 onlyPlugins = {}
来一键禁用所有插件(不禁用插件管理器)。详见 Debug - Disable other plugins。
你可以调用 :OneShowPlugins
内置插件都放在目录 lua/one/plugins。
内置插件在文件 lua/one/plugins.lua 中加载。
举个例子,创建文件 lua/my-plugin.lua
return {
-- string | nil. The name of plugin. It must be first.
-- If the name has "/", such as "repo/name", the plugin manager (vim-plug/packer) will install the repo.
-- If the name has not "/", no repo installed. User can name this plugin with any characters.
-- common options
desc = 'Plugin Description', -- string | nil.
disable = false, -- boolean | nil. If true, this Plugin will not be loaded
tag = '', -- string | nil. tag of the repository to use
branch = '', -- string | nil. branch of the repository to use
commit = '', -- string | nil. commit of the repository to use
rtp = '', -- string | nil. Subdirectory that contains Vim plugin
as = '', -- string | nil. Use different name for the plugin
run = '' -- string | nil. Post-update hook (string or funcref)
on = {'command'} -- string[] | nil. On-demand loading: Commands or <Plug>-mappings
ft = {'lua'} -- string | string[] | nil. On-demand loading: File types
lock = false, -- boolean | nil. Do not update unless explicitly specified
after = '', -- string | string[] | nil. If one of these plugins is disabled, current plugin will be disabled.
-- Specifies plugins to load before this plugin. (Only work for packer)
-- Supporting more specifying options by plugin manager
-- packer: https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim#specifying-plugins
-- vim-plug: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug#plug-options
-- Specifies code to run before this plugin is loaded.
-- User should not require lua module in this function.
setup = function() end,
-- Specifies code to run after this plugin is loaded.
-- User can require lua module in this function.
config = function(config)
-- Put your code here. Like require('name').setup {config.PluginName}
-- Set default config for current plugin
-- User can require lua module in this function.
defaultConfig = {
'PluginName', -- string | string[]. Config key. If set {'plugin', 'path'}, the value store at `config.plugin.path`.
{}, -- config value, must be a table
-- Set highlight groups. Parameters refer to ":h nvim_set_hl"
highlights = {
PluginHighlightGroup = { fg = 'white', bg = 'none' } ,
HighlightName = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default highlight
-- Set vim sign. Parameters refer to ":h sign_define"
signs = {
GitSignsAdd = { text = '┃', numhl = 'GitSignsAddNr', linehl = 'GitSignsAddLn' },
SignName = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default sign
-- Parameters refer to ":h nvim_set_keymap"
keymaps = {
{ 'n', '<leader>k1', ':echo hello<CR>' },
{ '', '<leader>k2', function() print('hello') end, {desc = '"" means mode "n", "v", "o". see :h map'} },
{ '!', '<leader>k3', function() print('hello') end, {desc = '! means mode "i" and "c". See :h map!'} },
{ { 'i', 'n' }, '<leader>k4', function() print('hello') end },
-- Parameters refer to ":h nvim_create_user_command"
commands = {
TelescopeFiles = ':Telescope find_files' ,
AerialTelescope = { ':Telescope aerial' },
TrailingSpaces = function()
ClearPreviews = { function require('goto-preview').close_all_win end },
TestLuaSpec = {
{ desc = 'Run unit test on current lua spec file' },
CommandName = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default command
autocmds = {
LspAttach = { -- Parameters refer to ":h nvim_create_autocmd"
callback = function(args)
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(args.data.client_id)
require('aerial').on_attach(client, args.buf)
VimEnter = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default autocmd
User = { -- User autocmds
pattern = { 'AlphaReady' },
callback = function()
vim.opt.cursorline = true
vim.opt.showtabline = 0
pattern = { 'AlphaClosed' },
callback = function()
vim.opt.showtabline = 2
filetypes = {
['null-ls-info'] = function(opts) -- Parameters refer to ":h nvim_create_autocmd" callback arguments
vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(0, { border = 'rounded', height = 30 })
lua = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default filetype callback
completions = {
today = { -- completion keyword
callback = function() -- The returned value will be the completion text
return os.date('%Y/%m/%d')
cache = false, -- If true, callback returned value will be cached
today2 = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default completion
-- Add telescope extensions. Format: { ['extension-name'] = MakerExtension } .
-- The MakerExtension refers to https://github.com/adoyle-h/telescope-extension-maker.nvim#types
telescopes = {
ls = { -- extension name
command = '!ls', -- vimscript or lua function
messages = false -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default telescope extension
以下字段可以接受一个函数。该函数参数为 config
,且必须返回一个 table。
, signs
, keymaps
, autocmds
, filetypes
, highlights
, telescopes
, completions
defaultConfig = function(config)
return {
highlights = function(config)
local colors = config.colors
return {
PluginHighlightGroup = { fg = colors.white, bg = 'none' } ,
commands = function(config)
return {
AerialTelescope = { ':Telescope aerial' },
-- 注意: 调用第三方模块必须放在函数里
ClearPreviews = { require('goto-preview').close_all_win },
编辑你的 init.lua 文件
require('one').setup {
plugins = {
把你的插件放在 plugins
当 plugins
require('one').setup {
plugins = {
{'keymap', disable = true} -- It will disable all keymaps defined in ./lua/one/keymap/
{'lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim', disable = true} -- It will disable plugin ./lua/one/plugins/indent-line.lua
例如改变 alpha 插件的布局,隐藏 nvim logo 与版本信息。
require('one').setup {
configFn = function(config)
-- default layout = {
-- { type = 'padding', val = marginTop },
-- getHeader(),
-- getTitle('Press j,k to move cursor'),
-- buttons,
-- }
local layout = config.alpha.layout
layout[2] = { type = 'padding', val = 5 }
-- Do not return config, only return the overridden parts
return {
alpha = { layout = layout },
如果修改配置太麻烦,你可以干脆重写 config 函数。
require('one').setup {
plugins = {
config = function()
local dashboard = require('alpha.themes.dashboard')
local button = dashboard.button
require('alpha').setup {
layout = {
{ type = 'text', val = 'hello', opts = { position = 'center' } },
type = 'group',
val = { button('<leader>u', 'test', ':echo "test"<CR>') },
opts = { spacing = 0 },