This is a customer Rest API (POST and GET) example project to show how to encrypt data in PostgreSQL databases.
The encryption is done through a PostgreSQL extension called PGCrypto [].
a PostgreSQL database
Adminer [http://localhost:5433] for accessing the PostgreSQL database in brownser
Access info:
Server - "database"
Username - "demo"
Password - "demo"
Database - "demo" -
docker container for running the application
Once enabled, the PGCrypto extension provide a set of database function.
The used functions are:
- pgp_pub_encrypt = encrypts data
- pgp_pub_decrypt = decrypts data
- dearmor = parses a generated GPG keys to the fuctions above
The PGCrypt functions are applied to entities' columns which bear sensitive information. In this example, the column is a secret representing a possible access customer.
The private and public keys were generated using GnuPG [] which is an implementation of the OpenPGP standard.
The columns intended to be encrypted should be annotated with Hibernate's @ColumnTransformer [] annotation.
The keys and password used for encrypting data in database written in file were encrypted using Spring Cloud Config Cli. []
The properties are decrypted at runtime by Spring Cloud Config lib dependency. These properties were marked with {cipher} before the value to signalize the Spring Cloud Config to decrypt them.
In this project, the PGCrypto is already enabled for you. But for informative purposes, to enable the PGCrypto in PostgreSQL, you need only to run the following SQL command:
./gradlew clean integrationTest
./gradlew clean build
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
GET /customer/{id}
POST /customer
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8080/customer -d '{ "name": "Adriano de Jesus", "username": "adriano.jesus2", "password": "my-super-secret-password" }'
curl localhost:8080/customer/1