Borrowed from Latin bōlētus, from Ancient Greek βωλίτης (bōlítēs). Noun
- porcini (Boletus edulis, an edible mushroom) (in general) any bolete mushroom
Borrowed from Spanish boleta or Italian bolletta, from Latin bulla. Noun
- ticket
- List events
- Ticket summary by events
- Pre booking
- Ticket purchasing
$ git clone
If it does not exist yet.
$ psql
psql (11.5 (Ubuntu 11.5-1))
Type "help" for help.
user=# CREATE ROLE boletus;
user=# ALTER USER boletus WITH PASSWORD 'boletus';
Replace rolename by the database user owner. Replace password by prefered password.
user=# CREATE DATABASE boletus_dev OWNER boletus;
user=# CREATE DATABASE boletus_test OWNER boletus;
Edit scripts/
Update values according to the preferred ones and / or those of your system.
$ make clean-and-run
You should see something like this
2:56PM INF Cookie store key value=iVuOOv4PNBnqTk2o13JsBMOPcPAe4p18
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/_ctxbar.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/_flash.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/_form.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/_header.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/_item.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/_list.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/edit.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/index.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/initdel.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/new.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=event/show.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=layout/base.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/_ctxbar.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/_flash.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/_form.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/_header.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/_item.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/_list.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/_signin.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/_signup.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/edit.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/index.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/initdel.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/new.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/show.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/signin.tmpl
2:56PM INF Reading template path=user/signup.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=event/edit.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=event/index.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=event/new.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=event/show.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=event/initdel.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=user/new.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=user/index.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=user/signup.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=user/edit.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=user/initdel.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=user/show.tmpl
2:56PM INF Parsed template set path=user/signin.tmpl
2:56PM INF Dialing to Postgres host="host=localhost port=5432 user=boletus password=boletus dbname=boletus_dev sslmode=disable"
2:56PM INF Postgres connection established
2:56PM INF New migrator name=migrator
2:56PM INF New seeder name=seeder
2:56PM INF New handler name=mailer
2020/01/19 14:56:14 CreateUsersTable
2020/01/19 14:56:14 Migration executed: CreateUsersTable
2020/01/19 14:56:14 CreateEventsTable
2020/01/19 14:56:14 Migration executed: CreateEventsTable
2020/01/19 14:56:14 CreateTicketsTable
2020/01/19 14:56:14 Migration executed: CreateTicketsTable
2020/01/19 14:56:14 Seed step executed: Users
2020/01/19 14:56:14 Seed step executed: EventAndTickets
2:56PM INF Scheduler started
2:56PM INF gRPC server initializing port=:8082
2:56PM INF Web server initializing port=:8080
2:56PM INF Currency rates updated base=EUR date=2020-01-17
2:57PM INF Expire tickets process init.
2:57PM INF Ticket reservation expired count=0
2:58PM INF Expire tickets process init.
2:58PM INF Ticket reservation expired count=4
A brief summary of the most used commands
make build
Builds the application
make run
Run the application through a shell script that previously sets the environment variables with required values.
In case you need to change some envar, you can edit this script: scripts/
make test
Run tests
make grc-test
Run tests with coloured output. grc needs to be available in your system.
It generates a binary representation for html templates, translations and other resources that allows compiler to embed them within the target file. clean-and-run
runs this make task as subtask before starting the applicacion.
Build a staging Docker image of this application and pushes it to Docker Hub.
Same as make build-stage
but for production images.
Build the gRPC client. Source files location is cmd/client/client.go
and compiled target is bin/client
Deploys app to Googke GKE usando HELM. I haven't created helm .yaml files so this command is not functional yet.
Same as make install-stage
but for production images.
Updates go files with changes in API made in the protocol buffers definition file at pkg/grpc/api/v1
make client
Compiles the client and launches it through a shell script scripts/
who sets some environment values required to use it.
Now it is mostly used for manual testing but some flag based configuration will be implemented to make its use more ergonomic.
// select slug from users;
userSlug = "lauriem-000000000004"
// select slug from events;
eventSlug = "rockpartyinwrocław-000000000001"
// PreBook ticket type [normal, golden-circle, silver-circle, bronce-circle, couple]
ticketType = "standard"
//ticketType = "golden-circle"
//ticketType = "couples"
//ticketType = "preemptive"
// replace by a a valid reservation ID
reservationID = "cab86283242c"
And also comment / uncomment to enable the function you want to invoke.
// IndexEvents
log.Info("IndexEvents begin")
log.Info("IndexEvents end\n")
// Ticket summary
log.Info("TicketSummary begin")
log.Info("TicketSummary end\n")
// PreBook
log.Info("PreBook begin")
log.Info("PreBook end\n")
// ConfirmBooking
log.Info("ConfirmBooking begin")
log.Info("ConfirmBooking end\n")
Then make client
$ make client
6:31PM INF Dialing gRPC server address=localhost:8082
6:31PM INF IndexEvents begin
6:31PM INF (*v1.IndexEventsRes)(0xc0000c2af0)(api:"v1" events:<slug:"rockpartyinwroc\305\202aw-000000000001" name:"Rock Party in Wroc\305\202aw" description:"Make some noise!" place:"Wroc\305\202aw Stadion Miejski" scheduledAt:"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" > )
6:31PM INF IndexEvents end
6:31PM INF TicketSummary begin
6:31PM INF (*v1.TicketSummaryListRes)(0xc0000c3720)(api:"v1" list:<eventSlug:"rockpartyinwroc\305\202aw-000000000001" type:"couples" qty:39 price:20 currency:"EUR" prices:<key:"CZK" value:502.94 > prices:<key:"EUR" value:20 > prices:<key:"PLN" value:84.734 > prices:<key:"RUB" value:1364.99 > prices:<key:"USD" value:22.216 > > list:<eventSlug:"rockpartyinwroc\305\202aw-000000000001" type:"preemptive" qty:40 price:30 currency:"EUR" prices:<key:"CZK" value:754.41 > prices:<key:"EUR" value:30 > prices:<key:"PLN" value:127.101 > prices:<key:"RUB" value:2047.485 > prices:<key:"USD" value:33.324 > > list:<eventSlug:"rockpartyinwroc\305\202aw-000000000001" type:"standard" qty:500 price:30 currency:"EUR" prices:<key:"CZK" value:754.41 > prices:<key:"EUR" value:30 > prices:<key:"PLN" value:127.101 > prices:<key:"RUB" value:2047.485 > prices:<key:"USD" value:33.324 > > list:<eventSlug:"rockpartyinwroc\305\202aw-000000000001" type:"golden-circle" qty:20 price:75 currency:"EUR" prices:<key:"CZK" value:1886.025 > prices:<key:"EUR" value:75 > prices:<key:"PLN" value:317.7525 > prices:<key:"RUB" value:5118.7124 > prices:<key:"USD" value:83.31 > > )
6:31PM INF TicketSummary end
6:31PM INF PreBook begin
6:31PM INF (*v1.TicketOpRes)(0xc00010ca00)(api:"v1" list:<name:"Rock Party in Wroc\305\202aw" eventSlug:"8b4e01c7-5b14-48f8-8537-9936df0446dc" type:"standard" serie:"A" number:280 seat:"0001-01-01 00:00:00Z" price:30000 currency:"EUR" reservationID:"5282d8e45b72" status:"reserved" > list:<name:"Rock Party in Wroc\305\202aw" eventSlug:"8b4e01c7-5b14-48f8-8537-9936df0446dc" type:"standard" serie:"A" number:44 seat:"0001-01-01 00:00:00Z" price:30000 currency:"EUR" reservationID:"5282d8e45b72" status:"reserved" > list:<name:"Rock Party in Wroc\305\202aw" eventSlug:"8b4e01c7-5b14-48f8-8537-9936df0446dc" type:"standard" serie:"A" number:274 seat:"0001-01-01 00:00:00Z" price:30000 currency:"EUR" reservationID:"5282d8e45b72" status:"reserved" > list:<name:"Rock Party in Wroc\305\202aw" eventSlug:"8b4e01c7-5b14-48f8-8537-9936df0446dc" type:"standard" serie:"A" number:230 seat:"0001-01-01 00:00:00Z" price:30000 currency:"EUR" reservationID:"5282d8e45b72" status:"reserved" > total:120 currency:"EUR" reservationID:"5282d8e45b72" status:"reserved" )
6:31PM INF PreBook end
6:31PM INF ConfirmBooking begin
6:31PM INF (*v1.TicketOpRes)(0xc0002a4380)(api:"v1" list:<name:"Rock Party in Wroc\305\202aw" eventSlug:"8b4e01c7-5b14-48f8-8537-9936df0446dc" type:"standard" serie:"A" number:32 seat:"0001-01-01 00:00:00Z" price:30000 currency:"EUR" reservationID:"2f28927a4d71" status:"paid" > list:<name:"Rock Party in Wroc\305\202aw" eventSlug:"8b4e01c7-5b14-48f8-8537-9936df0446dc" type:"standard" serie:"A" number:296 seat:"0001-01-01 00:00:00Z" price:30000 currency:"EUR" reservationID:"2f28927a4d71" status:"paid" > list:<name:"Rock Party in Wroc\305\202aw" eventSlug:"8b4e01c7-5b14-48f8-8537-9936df0446dc" type:"standard" serie:"A" number:205 seat:"0001-01-01 00:00:00Z" price:30000 currency:"EUR" reservationID:"2f28927a4d71" status:"paid" > list:<name:"Rock Party in Wroc\305\202aw" eventSlug:"8b4e01c7-5b14-48f8-8537-9936df0446dc" type:"standard" serie:"A" number:45 seat:"0001-01-01 00:00:00Z" price:30000 currency:"EUR" reservationID:"2f28927a4d71" status:"paid" > total:120 currency:"EUR" reservationID:"2f28927a4d71" status:"paid" )
6:31PM INF ConfirmBooking end
$ make test
go test -v -run TestTicketSummary -count=1 -timeout=5s ./internal/app/svc/ticketsvc_test.go
=== RUN TestTicketSummary
11:33PM INF Currency rates updated base=EUR date=2020-01-20
--- PASS: TestTicketSummary (0.16s)
ok command-line-arguments 0.870s
go test -v -run TestPreBookStandardTickets -count=1 -timeout=5s ./internal/app/svc/ticketsvc_test.go
=== RUN TestPreBookStandardTickets
11:33PM INF Currency rates updated base=EUR date=2020-01-20
--- PASS: TestPreBookStandardTickets (0.20s)
ok command-line-arguments 0.896s
go test -v -run TestPreBookGoldenCircleTickets -count=1 -timeout=5s ./internal/app/svc/ticketsvc_test.go
11:33PM INF New migrator name=migrator
=== RUN TestPreBookGoldenCircleTickets
11:33PM INF Currency rates updated base=EUR date=2020-01-20
--- PASS: TestPreBookGoldenCircleTickets (0.23s)
ok command-line-arguments 0.906s