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Tool that allow debugging Modbus network, that does not require installation, as it uses web-serial API and a modern web browser.

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WEB Modbus

Currently it is is only a "beta" version.

Currently it is without a license, so legally the default policy is applicable (where all author rights are reserved).


  • simple "low-level" (regarding the Modbus protocol) Web Serial API Modbus toolset for most PC's (also MAC's), to easly debug a Modbus network,
  • that everyone could possible use it without a requirement to install a dedicated software (for browsers that supports Web Serial API)
  • Does not matter if the phisical layer is:
    • RS485 (recomended)
    • RS422
    • RS232 (please do not)
    • TTL
    • or any other UART-type phisical network


  • if the Modbus network does not work at all, this software will propably not help, first you should use a real osciloscope, where many problems, like missing terminators (120Ohm) are directly visible on the display (at edges of each bit), and where baud-rates can be also calculated (from distance between bits)
  • obviously: all devices on a Modbus BUS, should be configured to the same Modbus mode, boud-rate and parity
  • Modbus BUS will be empty if master is disconnected or malfunctioning


  • opening serial port
  • sniffing functionality
  • handling errors in the incomming data
  • handling fragmentation of the incoming frames
  • registers decoding support for types:
    • Uint8
    • Int8
    • Uint16
    • Int16
    • Uint32
    • Int32
    • Float32
    • Float64


  • add license
  • sending any frames, also with unknown function-codes and forbidden slave addresses
  • assigning data types to a specific slave addresses and its registries addresses
  • move the tests to a dedicated test framework like jest

Local development

git config --global "<First Last>"
git config --global "<address@server.domain>"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
cat ~/.ssh/ # copy to GitHub


Tool that allow debugging Modbus network, that does not require installation, as it uses web-serial API and a modern web browser.




