Table of Contents
The database its on backend/database/spongebobdb.sql
Open your IDE for Spring and run spring boot app.
To start ionic , open the terminal and write ionic serve.
I hope you like it.
##About the page
2 Tables
I build one table to save all the products we'll sell.
This have :
And i build one more table to save all the product we'll add to the basket.
This have :
In the frontend we can't add a product to the basket without having chosen a size before.
This table has no more interaction with the database than the reading of the products.
Its the spongebobbasket table who has all the interaction and the real CRUD , its a dinamic crud , you can add a product from the spongebobclothes table by clicking on the addtobasket button , always after having chosen a size , then in the basket view you see all the products from the basket and there you find the size you had chosen , the units of the product , the prize , the model and the preview image of it ; you also see two buttons one to add a unit of the same product and one to remove a unit of it , also you see a select to change the size if you had make a mistake , and a button to remove all the product of the basket , no matter how much units u have of it , we'll remove all .
In the remove units button if units are 0 or less we remove the product automatically.
Adrián Ceniza -
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