Chocolatey package source to install schemacrawler. More details about this project on this linkedIn article.
Have chocolatey properly installed and web access.
To install schemacrawler, simply run, with Administrator
privileges :
choco install schemacrawler
Uninstall package :
choco uninstall schemacrawler
With Administrator privileges
, run a cmd
Uninstall package :
choco uninstall schemacrawler
Manually build and install the package from the source :
choco install -fdv schemacrawler.nuspec
Push the package to central package repository : check prepared ant
For developers, take a look at the ant
build tasks used to automate package compile and build.
Upgrade process:
- Upgrade verion un properties file
ant make
- Install locally
choco install -fdv schemacrawler.nuspec
- Test command line
schemacrawler --version