K2 Foundations Program
The Foundations program is a curated list of books, tutorials and other resources with assignments and projects. These materials are designed to ensure you are ready to succeed in our data science bootcamp. Depending on your background, the program can take anywhere from 30-100+ hours to complete.
This repository is constantly a work in progress.
- Introduction to Computer Science - Harvard CS50
- Python Programming - Udacity's Introduction to Programming
- Practice:
- Procedural and OOP Version of the Blackjack Game
- Analysis of US Births - Notebook and Data
- Analysis of Gun Deaths - Notebook and Data
- SQL and Relational Databases
- Python Data Analysis
- Practice:
- Go through this set of Jupyter Notebooks
- Complete assignments on the Databases and Python Data Analysis pages
- Review: Statistics from MIT and Probability from William Chen
- Learn: Statistics and Probability from Khan Academy or Statistics from Udacity
- Practice:
- Go through this set of Jupyter Notebooks
- Explore the Titanic Data Set - Notebook / Data
- Review: 4 Page Summary or 25 minute Video Review
- Learn: Linear Algebra from Khan Academy
- Practice: NumPy Workbook
- Review: Calculus Summary by Professor Glenn Ledder at UNL.
- Learn: Calculus from Khan Academy. (Optional) Multivariable Differentiation.
- Practice: SymPy Workbook
Once you have completed all the content in Step 1, you should understand how to use Git/GitHub. These are the steps you should follow to submit work:
- Create a local Git repository called "foundations"
- Complete assignments and projects
- Commit changes to the local repository and push them to a remote GitHub repository
- A TA will check your work weekly and give feedback when necessary
- Feel free to check out the recorded Office Hours and Solutions
If anything is unclear or you get stuck, please reach out immediately. The program was created by data scientists and machine learning engineers. We have a biased view of which concepts should be learned in which order. We have tried to put ourselves in your shoes, but there is always room for improvement!