Financial control (web) application focused on accessibility and usability, transforming the experience of how you manage your finances.
The concept around the purpose of the application has been expanded, now not only can you manage your personal finances, but you can look in real time at the value of Bitcoin, in the three main currencies, Euro, Dollar, and Real, you will now have a detailed chart about your expenses, as well as credit card expenses (the active credit card in the app is not real, because it is a personal project and without a partnership or integration with banks, the objective is just to demonstrate a better usability of the experience which your credit expenses are visualized)
More technical concepts of the app
The application will have a database that is where I store the login information, profile image and user data regarding the added transactions, and for that I am using Firebase, for user authentication either by email or right login through the account Google (Github also once it's done).
All transactions are saved in Firestore Database, and returned instantly to the user once added, he can delete the information and update the ones that have already been added, thus closing a complete C.R.U.D made in Firebase. If you want to change your name and add a profile picture, you can do so.
All states will be managed by the Redux toolkit, giving me more control over the application and its triggered states.
- Sigin
- Sigup
- Page Not Found(404)
- New Home
- Loading Component with lottie animation
- Redirected Routes
- Protected Route
- Firebase Authentication with Google and Email
- Firestore integration with unique data collection for each user
- Redesign Login Page Mobile
- New transactions e theme integration item
- Rebuild the user page to get useful information
- config sub routes will be added
- Credit card implementation
- Bitcoin value
- Bitcoin chart
- User image update
- Handle error on login pages
- Test and adjust if necessary
- Adding animation in the web app
- CRUD of information list and profile user
- implementation with redux toolkit for status management