- Rock is won over scissors
- Scissor is won over Paper
- Paper is won over Rock
Step-1: import random module.
Step-2: create a list [rock,paper,scissor]
Step-3: take user input 0 --> rock, 1 --> paper, 2 --> scissor (user choice).
Step-3: using random.randint(0,2) generate random number from 0 to 2 (this is a computer choice).
Step-4: print user_choice and computer_choice.
Step-5: if user_choice == 0 and computer_choice == 2 then user will win (0 stand for stone and 2 stand for scissors).
Step-6: elif user_choice == 2 and computer_choice == 0 then computer will win (opposite of step-5).
Step-7: elif computer_choice > user_choice then computer win because now only two options are left 0 or 1 (0 for rock or 1 for paper). if computer_choice > user_choice means computer choice is 1 which is equal to paper and user choice is 0 which is equal to rock (paper won over a rock).
Step-8: elif user_choice > computer_choice then user wins (opposite of step-7).
Step-9: otherwise the game is a draw.
- random module
- python list
- if-elif-else
- python operators