A lack of sanitization/check in the font path returned by php-svg-lib, in the case of a inline CSS font defined, that will be used by Cpdf to open a font will be passed to a file_exists
call, which is sufficient to trigger metadata unserializing on a PHAR file, through the phar:// URL handler on PHP < 8.0. On other versions, it might be used as a way to get a SSRF through, for example, ftp, not restricted by authorized protocols configured on dompdf.
The problem lies on the openFont
function of the lib/Cpdf.php
library, when the $font
variable passed by php-svg-lib isn't checked correctly. A path is crafted through $name and $dir, which are two values that can be controlled through CSS :
$name = basename($font);
$dir = dirname($font);
$metrics_name = "$name.ufm";
if (!isset($this->fonts[$font]) && file_exists("$dir/$metrics_name")) {
Passing a font named phar:///foo/bar/baz.phar/test
will set the value of $name to test
and $dir to phar:///foo/bar/baz.phar
, which once reconstructed will call file_exists on phar:///foo/bar/baz.phar/test.ufm
. That allows to deserialize the baz.phar
arbitrary file that contains a test.ufm
file in the archive.
Consider the following, minimal PHP code :
use Dompdf\Dompdf;
$dompdf = new Dompdf();
$dompdf->setPaper('A4', 'landscape');
$options = $dompdf->getOptions();
With payload being this html file :
<img src=""></img>
with the base64 image being :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="200" height="200">
<text x="20" y="35" style="color:red;font-family:;">My</text>
A connection on will occur, bypassing the allowed protocols.
An attacker might be able to exploit the vulnerability to call arbitrary URL with arbitrary protocols, if they can force dompdf to parse a SVG with an inline CSS property using a malicious font-family. In PHP versions before 8.0.0, it leads to arbitrary unserialize, that will leads at the very least to an arbitrary file deletion, and might leads to remote code execution, depending on classes that are available.
A lack of sanitization/check in the font path returned by php-svg-lib, in the case of a inline CSS font defined, that will be used by Cpdf to open a font will be passed to a
call, which is sufficient to trigger metadata unserializing on a PHAR file, through the phar:// URL handler on PHP < 8.0. On other versions, it might be used as a way to get a SSRF through, for example, ftp, not restricted by authorized protocols configured on dompdf.Details
The problem lies on the
function of thelib/Cpdf.php
library, when the$font
variable passed by php-svg-lib isn't checked correctly. A path is crafted through $name and $dir, which are two values that can be controlled through CSS :Passing a font named
will set the value of $name totest
and $dir tophar:///foo/bar/baz.phar
, which once reconstructed will call file_exists onphar:///foo/bar/baz.phar/test.ufm
. That allows to deserialize thebaz.phar
arbitrary file that contains atest.ufm
file in the archive.PoC
Consider the following, minimal PHP code :
With payload being this html file :
with the base64 image being :
A connection on will occur, bypassing the allowed protocols.
An attacker might be able to exploit the vulnerability to call arbitrary URL with arbitrary protocols, if they can force dompdf to parse a SVG with an inline CSS property using a malicious font-family. In PHP versions before 8.0.0, it leads to arbitrary unserialize, that will leads at the very least to an arbitrary file deletion, and might leads to remote code execution, depending on classes that are available.