A place to dump your thoughts and worries. Messages can be private and public allowing u to choose what to share with others and what to be private. Use it as your personal diary or maybe just a place to vent out
Before running the project, create a mongodb database and provide the connection url for prisma in the .env file
Create an account in Google developer console and create a project. The redirect uri must be set as localhost to run the project locally. The Secret_id and Client_id are required and should be entered in an env file.
Env variables for Google OAuth, MongoDB and Auth.js should be provided in a .env file in the root dir
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/adithyakb10/minddump-nextjs
Go to the project directory
cd minddump-nextjs
Install dependencies
npm install
Set up prisma
npx prisma init
npx prisma db push
npx prisma generate
Start the server
npm run dev
- Built using next-js
- Authentication using auth.js
- Database - MongoDB
- ORM - Prisma
Checkout the live demo : https://minddump.vercel.app
Inspired from this website
Raise an issue if anything needs to be fixed PRs are welcome