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Accessibility (a11y)
Accessibility (a11y)
Improving theme access for all, including disabled users.
[Component] Block Patterns
[Component] Block Patterns
Issues related to pre-designed content sections.
[Component] Style Variations
[Component] Style Variations
Issues related to different theme style options.
[Component] Template Parts
[Component] Template Parts
Issues related to reusable theme components.
[Component] Templates
[Component] Templates
Issues concerning theme layout templates.
[Component] theme.json
[Component] theme.json
Issues related to the theme.json configuration file.
[Design] Figma
[Design] Figma
Good First Issue
Good First Issue
Suitable for newcomers, typically easier tasks.
[Plugin] Fluent Forms
[Plugin] Fluent Forms
[Plugin] Rank Math SEO
[Plugin] Rank Math SEO
[Plugin] WooCommerce
[Plugin] WooCommerce
Inquiries or clarifications about the theme.
[Status] Duplicate
[Status] Duplicate
Issues that have already been reported.
[Status] Help Wanted
[Status] Help Wanted
Seeking community assistance on specific issues.
[Status] Invalid
[Status] Invalid
Issues that are not applicable or irrelevant to the project.
[Status] Will Not Fix
[Status] Will Not Fix
Issues that will not be addressed.
[Type] Bug
[Type] Bug
Unintended behaviors or errors in the theme.
[Type] Code Quality
[Type] Code Quality
Issues related to the cleanliness, efficiency, or maintainability of the code.
[Type] Deprecated
[Type] Deprecated
Features being phased out or deprecated.
[Type] Documentation
[Type] Documentation
Issues or updates related to theme documentation.
[Type] Enhancement
[Type] Enhancement
Suggested improvements or new features.
[Type] Performance
[Type] Performance
Speed or efficiency improvements.
[Type] Responsive
[Type] Responsive
Issues specific to mobile device responsiveness.
[Type] Testing
[Type] Testing
Related to theme testing procedures.
[Type] Translation
[Type] Translation
Translating the theme to other languages.
[Type] Triage
[Type] Triage
Issues needing further investigation or categorization.