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AEM Design - VM Kickstarter

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This folder contains all of the VM Kickstarter scripts that will be used form creating VM.

BuildLocal Dev Process Overview

  1. Setup Variables
  2. Verify VM Appliance
    • Verify Appliance has been built successfully [if OVF does not exists] then delete build folder
  3. Check Configurations
    • Check if dependencies are installed
    • init and get repos
    • secure ssh keys
  4. Update VirtualBox Settings and Network Adapters
    • Check if hostonlyif exists and create if not
    • update VM networks
    • update extra params
  5. Build VM Appliance
    • build vm using packer
  6. Configure VM
    • import VM Appliance
    • update VM network config
    • update VM config
    • udpate VM lan
  7. Start VM
    • start and wait
  8. Local Dev Setup
    • test VM is configured
    • run LocalDev playbook
    • update VM lan
    • verify VM lan has been updated
    • optional build docker containers

Getting Started

  1. clone repo
  2. run dependencies install
mvn clean install -Pdependencies

2.1 generate ssh keys

mvn clean install -Pgeneratekeys

3.1 Run build of VMware

mvn verify -PverifyTemplate -PcreateVM -Dpacker.var-file=settings/variables-online-dev1.json -Dpacker.template=template-rhel-build.json 

3.2 Run build of Virtual Box


mvn verify -PverifyTemplate -PcreateVM -Dpacker.var-file=settings/variables-offline.json -Dpacker.template=template-centos-atomic-virtualbox.json


mvn verify -PverifyTemplate -PcreateVM -Dpacker.var-file=settings/variables-online-dev1.json -Dpacker.template=template-rhel-build-virtualbox.json > log/rhel-build-dev1-`date +%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S`.log &

4.1 Run build of OVA from VMX

mvn verify -PcreateOVA -Dvm.ovftool="/Applications/VMware OVF Tool/ovftool" -Dvm.vmx="./builds/aemdesign_2017-01-07_13-52-05/aemdesign.vmx"

4.2 Run build of OVA from Virtual Box

mvn verify -PcreateVboxOVA -Dvmbox.path="./builds/aemdesign/""aemdesign" > log/ova-build-dev1-`date +%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S`.log &

5.1 Run verify of VM Template VMWARE

mvn verify -PverifyTemplate -Dpacker.var-file=settings/variables-online-dev1.json -Dpacker.template=template-rhel-build.json 

5.2 Run verify of VM Template Virtual Box

mvn verify -PverifyTemplate -Dpacker.var-file=settings/variables-online-localdev.json -Dpacker.template=template-rhel-build-virtualbox.json

DEV Kickstarter Setup

Kickstart Options

Vmware Fusion

Template Settings

"headless": false,


  • Install Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM)
echo y | android update sdk --no-ui --all --force --filter �extra-intel-Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager
  • Reboot.

To verify that Intel HAXM is running, open a terminal window and execute the following command:

kextstat | grep intel

To stop or start Intel HAXM, use the following commands:


sudo kextunload –b


sudo kextload –b

To uninstall Intel HAXM, open a terminal window and execute this command:

sudo /System/Library/Extensions/intelhaxm.kext/Contents/Resources/


When you get errors check here

Error: Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory.

Install: Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM)

In terminal:


Folders & Files

  • keys - private keys
  • builds - final output of build process
  • http - config folder that is used by Packer to into a webserver to be used during build
  • scripts - post installation scripts to be ran on the vms
  • settings - additional setting for diffrent modes
  • template-rhel.json - Packer template for RHEL build

Hot to generate new SHA1 hash of a file

When you change ISO files you need to specify the checksum to generate a new one run this command

openssl sha1 path/to/file

Kickstarter File

create encrypted password for kickstarter file

# md5
openssl passwd -1 "password here"


# sha512
echo "password here" | openssl dgst -sha512

Monitor Headless VM Creation

Default VRDP port is 5901, while build is running you can watch the process by use any RDP tool, ex CoRD, by connecting to


Video record for creation is enabled and files are stored in build/sessions directory, you can watch the .webm file for your headless installation process


a project for creating VM's for prod and dev in cloud or onprem using







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