A node.js package to retrieve citation information of any given DOI, document or string text, and update it to a specified BibText (.bib) file.
This package parse Markdown files or text strings searching for DOI references with the format: @DOI:---.---/-----------. It keeps a *.bib file (library.bib per default) updated by adding the necessary references and information obtained from http://dx.doi.org/.
This package is used as part of the pandoc-doi2bib filter and pdf2doi utilities.
These instructions will get you the doi2bib package to use on your node projects.
For using as Node.js package use:
npm install --save doi2bib
And for development, clone the repository as:
git clone https://github.com/aeroreyna/doi2bib
cd doi2bib
npm install
This package exposes the following functions:
: Looks for DOI references and updates the .bib file.updateFromFile(file)
: Read the file and uses the function updateFromText.watchFile(file)
: Read the file and keeps and eye on it looking for new references.getCitation(DOI)
: Obtain and return the citation of the DOI document and added to the library if necessary.setLibraryFile(file)
: Change the bibliography .bib file to work on.
An example could be:
const doi2bib = require("./index.js");
Which keeps an eye on the specified file in case of new DOI references are given.
It also can be used with Gulp as a task to act when .md files in a directory changes using the follow gulp file.
const { src, dest, watch, task } = require('gulp');
const through = require('through2');
const doi2bib = require('doi2bib');
let updateBib = function() {
return src(['**/*.md','!./node_modules/**/*.md'])
.pipe(through.obj(function (chunk, enc, cb) {
console.log('File:', chunk.path);
cb(null, chunk);
task('default', updateBib);
let watcher = watch(['**/*.md','!./node_modules/**/*.md']);
watcher.on('change', function(path, stats) {
console.log(`File ${path} was changed`);
watcher.on('add', function(path, stats) {
console.log(`File ${path} was added`);
- @aeroreyna - Idea & Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- remove nets dependency
- make sure all functions return a Promise
- catch errors in promises