This repository contains documentation for an Oscillator designed using the SSI2130 chip. The intended application is for use as an audio synthesizer. The MIDI Converter used the design "MIDI2CV" by Larry McGovern (available for free under the GNU General Public License via
Ryan Laur, Daniel Louis, Sahil Patel, Dieter Steinhauser, Cale Woodward, Eric Barkuloo, Hannah Kirkland, Jackson Cornell et al.
- Decoupling Capacitors
- Through-Zero FM
- SSI2130
- RS6-0512D regulated converter
- Capacitors: 47pF, 100pF, 2x10µF, 22µF
- Chokes: 1 µH CMC, 200 µH DMC
- 5V USB power converter and cable
- Arduino Nano
- 6N138 Optocoupler
- 2x MCP4822 12-bit DACs
- LM324N Quad Op Amp
- 1N4148 Diode
- Resistors: 220, 500, 3x1k, 3k, 10k
- 5k Trimmer
- 3x 0.1 uF ceramic capacitors
- 5 pin MIDI jack
- 7x 4mm banana plug jacks
- 3-pin header and jumper
- TL074 Quad Op Amp
- CD4013BE Dual D-Type Flip-Flop
- Resistors: 2x47k, 33k, 68k, 220k
- 2N3904
- 2x 1N4148 Diode