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generalize and cleanup some lemmas for bigop
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t6s committed Nov 27, 2023
1 parent 521b3b2 commit 80beb6c
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Showing 4 changed files with 119 additions and 70 deletions.
117 changes: 113 additions & 4 deletions lib/bigop_ext.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
(* infotheo: information theory and error-correcting codes in Coq *)
(* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum matrix.
Require Import Reals.
Require Import ssrR Reals_ext logb ssr_ext ssralg_ext.
Require Import (*ssrR Reals_ext*) logb ssr_ext ssralg_ext.

(* Additional lemmas about bigops *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +72,54 @@ Qed.

End bigop_add_law.

Section bigop_algebraic_misc.
(** [bigA_distr] is a specialization of [bigA_distr_bigA] and at the same
time a generalized version of [GRing.exprDn] for iterated prod. *)
Lemma bigA_distr (R : Type) (zero one : R) (times : Monoid.mul_law zero)
(plus : Monoid.add_law zero times)
(I : finType)
(F1 F2 : I -> R) :
\big[times/one]_(i in I) plus (F1 i) (F2 i) =
\big[plus/zero]_(0 <= k < #|I|.+1)
\big[plus/zero]_(J in {set I} | #|J| == k)
\big[times/one]_(j in I) (if j \notin J then F1 j else F2 j).
pose F12 i (j : bool) := if ~~ j then F1 i else F2 i.
under eq_bigr=> i.
rewrite (_: plus (F1 i) (F2 i) = \big[plus/zero]_j F12 i j); last first.
rewrite (bigID (fun i => i == false)) big_pred1_eq (big_pred1 true) //.
by case.
rewrite bigA_distr_bigA big_mkord (partition_big
(fun i : {ffun I -> bool} => inord #|[set x | i x]|)
(fun j : [finType of 'I_#|I|.+1] => true)) //=.
{ eapply eq_big =>// i _.
rewrite (reindex (fun s : {set I} => [ffun x => x \in s])); last first.
{ apply: onW_bij.
exists (fun f : {ffun I -> bool} => [set x | f x]).
by move=> s; apply/setP => v; rewrite inE ffunE.
by move=> f; apply/ffunP => v; rewrite ffunE inE. }
eapply eq_big.
{ move=> s; apply/eqP/eqP.
move<-; rewrite -[#|s|](@inordK #|I|) ?ltnS ?max_card //.
by congr inord; apply: eq_card => v; rewrite inE ffunE.
move=> Hi; rewrite -[RHS]inord_val -{}Hi.
by congr inord; apply: eq_card => v; rewrite inE ffunE. }
by move=> j Hj; apply: eq_bigr => k Hk; rewrite /F12 ffunE. }

Lemma bigID2 (R : Type) (I : finType) (J : {set I}) (F1 F2 : I -> R)
(idx : R) (op : Monoid.com_law idx) :
\big[op/idx]_(j in I) (if j \notin J then F1 j else F2 j) =
op (\big[op/idx]_(j in ~: J) F1 j) (\big[op/idx]_(j in J) F2 j).
rewrite (bigID (mem (setC J)) predT); apply: congr2.
by apply: eq_big =>// i /andP [H1 H2]; rewrite inE in_setC in H2; rewrite H2.
apply: eq_big => [i|i /andP [H1 H2]] /=; first by rewrite inE negbK.
by rewrite ifF //; apply: negbTE; rewrite inE in_setC in H2.
End bigop_algebraic_misc.

(** Switching from a sum on the domain to a sum on the image of function *)
Section partition_big_finType_eqType.
Variables (A : finType) (B : eqType).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,9 +531,11 @@ End big_tuple_ffun.

Import Order.POrderTheory Order.TotalTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory.

Section prod_gt0_inv.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Lemma prod_gt0_inv (R : realFieldType) n (F : _ -> R)
(HF: forall a, (0 <= F a)%mcR) :
(0 < \prod_(i < n.+1) F i -> forall i, 0 < F i)%mcR.
(HF: forall a, (0 <= F a)) :
(0 < \prod_(i < n.+1) F i -> forall i, 0 < F i).
move=> h i.
rewrite lt_neqAle HF andbT; apply/eqP => /esym F0.
Expand All @@ -496,3 +545,63 @@ rewrite prodf_seq_eq0/=.
apply/hasP; exists i; last exact/eqP.
by rewrite mem_index_enum.
End prod_gt0_inv.

Section classify_big.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Variable R : ringType.

Lemma classify_big (A : finType) n (f : A -> 'I_n) (F : 'I_n -> R) :
\sum_a F (f a) =
\sum_(i < n) (#|f @^-1: [set i]|%:R * F i).
transitivity (\sum_(i < n) \sum_(a | true && (f a == i)) F (f a)).
by apply partition_big.
apply eq_bigr => i _ /=.
transitivity (\sum_(a | f a == i) F i); first by apply eq_bigr => s /eqP ->.
rewrite big_const iter_addr addr0 mulr_natl; congr GRing.natmul.
apply eq_card => j /=; by rewrite !inE.
End classify_big.

Section num.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Variables (R : numDomainType) (I : Type) (r : seq I).

(* generalizes leR_sumRl *)
Lemma ler_suml [P Q : pred I] [F G : I -> R] :
(forall i : I, P i -> F i <= G i) ->
(forall i : I, Q i -> ~~ P i -> 0 <= G i) ->
(forall i : I, P i -> Q i) ->
\sum_(i <- r | P i) F i <= \sum_(i <- r | Q i) G i.
move=> PFG QG0 PQ.
move: PFG => /ler_sum /le_trans; apply.
rewrite [leRHS](bigID P) /=.
move: PQ => /(_ _) /andb_idl => /(eq_bigl _ G) ->.
rewrite lerDl; apply: sumr_ge0=> i.
by case/andP; exact: QG0.

(* generalizes leR_sumR_predU
NB: here we use (predU P Q) instead of [predU P & Q] for the union.
The former is suitable for applicative predicates as in this lemma
while the latter infix notation should be used only for collective predicates.
([predU P & Q] i gets simplified to i \in P || i \in Q
while (predU P Q) i to P i || Q i) *)
Lemma ler_sum_predU [P Q : pred I] (F : I -> R) :
(forall i : I, P i -> Q i -> 0 <= F i) ->
\sum_(i <- r | (predU P Q) i) F i <=
\sum_(i <- r | P i) F i + \sum_(i <- r | Q i) F i.
move=> F0.
under eq_bigr => i _.
rewrite (_ : F i = if Q i then F i else F i); last by case: ifP.
rewrite big_if /=.
under eq_bigl do rewrite orbC orbK.
rewrite addrC; apply: lerD => //.
apply: ler_suml=> // i; rewrite andb_orl andbN orbF; last by case/andP.
by move=> /[dup] /F0 /[swap] -> /[!andTb] /[!negbK].
End num.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions lib/hamming.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Require Import Reals.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect fingroup zmodp ssralg finalg perm matrix.
From mathcomp Require Import poly mxalgebra mxpoly.
From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct.
Require Import ssr_ext ssralg_ext f2 num_occ natbin ssrR Reals_ext.
Require Import ssr_ext ssralg_ext f2 num_occ natbin ssrR Reals_ext bigop_ext.

(* Hamming weight and Hamming distance *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -874,8 +874,9 @@ transitivity (((1 - p) + p) ^ m); last by rewrite subRK exp1R.
rewrite RPascal.
transitivity (\sum_(b : 'rV['F_2]_m) (1 - p) ^ (m - wH b) * p ^ wH b).
by apply eq_bigl => /= i; rewrite inE.
rewrite (classify_big _ _ (fun s => Ordinal (max_wH' s))
(fun x => (1 - p) ^ (m - x) * p ^ x)) /=.
apply eq_bigr => i _; congr (_%:R * _).
by rewrite -wH_m_card; apply eq_card => /= x; rewrite !inE.
rewrite sumRE (classify_big (fun s => Ordinal (max_wH' s))
(fun x => (1 - p) ^ (m - x) * p ^ x)) /=.
apply: eq_bigr=> i _.
rewrite -wH_m_card !coqRE; congr (_ %:R %mcR * _).
by apply eq_card => /= x; rewrite !inE.
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions lib/ssrR.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1098,17 +1098,6 @@ case: ifPn => /=.

Lemma classify_big (A : finType) n (f : A -> 'I_n) (F : 'I_n -> R) :
\sum_a F (f a) = \sum_(i < n) INR #|f @^-1: [set i]| * F i.
transitivity (\sum_(i < n) \sum_(a | true && (f a == i)) F (f a)).
by apply partition_big.
apply eq_bigr => i _ /=.
transitivity (\sum_(a | f a == i) F i); first by apply eq_bigr => s /eqP ->.
rewrite big_const iter_addR; congr (INR _ * _).
apply eq_card => j /=; by rewrite !inE.

(* TODO: factorize? rename? *)
Lemma leR_sumR_eq (A : finType) (f g : A -> R) (P : pred A) :
(forall a, P a -> f a <= g a) ->
Expand Down
50 changes: 0 additions & 50 deletions probability/proba.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,56 +130,6 @@ Local Open Scope proba_scope.

Import Order.POrderTheory Num.Theory.

(** [bigA_distr] is a specialization of [bigA_distr_bigA] and at the same
time a generalized version of [GRing.exprDn] for iterated prod. *)
Lemma bigA_distr (R : Type) (zero one : R) (times : Monoid.mul_law zero)
(plus : Monoid.add_law zero times)
(I : finType)
(F1 F2 : I -> R) :
\big[times/one]_(i in I) plus (F1 i) (F2 i) =
\big[plus/zero]_(0 <= k < #|I|.+1)
\big[plus/zero]_(J in {set I} | #|J| == k)
\big[times/one]_(j in I) (if j \notin J then F1 j else F2 j).
pose F12 i (j : bool) := if ~~ j then F1 i else F2 i.
erewrite eq_bigr. (* to replace later with under *)
2: move=> i _; rewrite (_: plus (F1 i) (F2 i) = \big[plus/zero]_(j : bool) F12 i j) //.
rewrite bigA_distr_bigA big_mkord (partition_big
(fun i : {ffun I -> bool} => inord #|[set x | i x]|)
(fun j : [finType of 'I_#|I|.+1] => true)) //=.
{ eapply eq_big =>// i _.
rewrite (reindex (fun s : {set I} => [ffun x => x \in s])); last first.
{ apply: onW_bij.
exists (fun f : {ffun I -> bool} => [set x | f x]).
by move=> s; apply/setP => v; rewrite inE ffunE.
by move=> f; apply/ffunP => v; rewrite ffunE inE. }
eapply eq_big.
{ move=> s; apply/eqP/eqP.
move<-; rewrite -[#|s|](@inordK #|I|) ?ltnS ?max_card //.
by congr inord; apply: eq_card => v; rewrite inE ffunE.
move=> Hi; rewrite -[RHS]inord_val -{}Hi.
by congr inord; apply: eq_card => v; rewrite inE ffunE. }
by move=> j Hj; apply: eq_bigr => k Hk; rewrite /F12 ffunE. }
rewrite (reindex (fun x : 'I_2 => (x : nat) == 1%N)%bool); last first.
{ apply: onW_bij.
exists (fun b : bool => inord (nat_of_bool b)).
by move=> [x Hx]; rewrite -[RHS]inord_val; case: x Hx =>// x Hx; case: x Hx.
by case; rewrite inordK. }
rewrite 2!big_ord_recl big_ord0 /F12 /=.
by rewrite Monoid.mulm1.

Lemma bigID2 (R : Type) (I : finType) (J : {set I}) (F1 F2 : I -> R)
(idx : R) (op : Monoid.com_law idx) :
\big[op/idx]_(j in I) (if j \notin J then F1 j else F2 j) =
op (\big[op/idx]_(j in ~: J) F1 j) (\big[op/idx]_(j in J) F2 j).
rewrite (bigID (mem (setC J)) predT); apply: congr2.
by apply: eq_big =>// i /andP [H1 H2]; rewrite inE in_setC in H2; rewrite H2.
apply: eq_big => [i|i /andP [H1 H2]] /=; first by rewrite inE negbK.
by rewrite ifF //; apply: negbTE; rewrite inE in_setC in H2.

Lemma m1powD k : k <> 0%nat -> (-1)^(k-1) = - (-1)^k.
Proof. by case: k => [//|k _]; rewrite subn1 /= mulN1R oppRK. Qed.

Expand Down

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