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The back end of Level Launch, a game crowdfunding website, using Django and Django REST Framework. Completed as part of the She Codes Plus program 2024-2025.

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⬆️ Level Launch 🚀

Crowdfunding back end created by ⭐ Afira Zulkifli ⭐


Level Launch is a crowdfunding website with the aim of connecting people who make games with people who love to play games.

Intended Audience/User Stories

  • Game designers, developers, and publishers can use this platform to raise funds directly from their players to launch new games, downloadable content (DLC) or expansion packs for existing games.
  • Gamers can use this platform to fund new games that pique their interest or to support existing games that they love by funding DLCs or expansions.

Front End Pages/Functionality

  • Home Page / Index
    • Login or create a new user account.
    • View a selection of featured projects, recently opened projects, or recently funded projects.
    • No login required to view this page.
  • All Projects Page
    • View all open projects that are currently accepting pledges (no login required).
    • Create a new project (must be logged in).
  • Project Detail Page
    • View one project's details.
    • View all pledges that have been made to the project.
    • No login required to view this page.
    • Update project details (must be logged in as the project owner).
    • Delete the project (must be logged in as the project owner).
    • Create a pledge to the project (must be logged in and not the project owner).
  • User Profile Page
    • View one user's profile details (no login required).
    • Update user details (must be logged in as the user).
    • Delete the user account (must be logged in as the user).

Back End Demonstration

User Creation

Steps to create a new user on Insomnia:

  1. Create a new HTTP request.
  2. Change the request method to POST.
  3. Input the following URL (API endpoint):
  4. In the Body tab, select JSON from the dropdown and fill in the fields in the following request body:
  "username": "{enter your username}",
  "first_name": "{enter your first name}",
  "last_name": "{enter your last name}",
  "email": "{enter your email}",
  "password": "{enter your password}"
  1. Click the Send button. If the request was successful, it will return a 201 Created status code.

A screenshot showing a successful POST request to create a new user in the  Insomnia application.

To retrieve the authetication token for a user account, follow the steps above and create a new POST HTTP request with the username and password in the request body to the following URL: http://localhost:8000/api-token-auth/

A screenshot showing a successful POST request to retrieve a user's authentication token in the Insomnia application.

Project Creation

Steps to create a new project on Insomnia:

  1. Create a new HTTP request.
  2. Change the request method to POST.
  3. Input the following URL (API endpoint):
  4. In the Body tab, select JSON from the dropdown and fill in the fields in the following request body:
  "title": "{enter your project title}",
  "description": "{enter your project description}",
  "game_type": "{enter your game type}",
  "goal": {enter your project goal},
  "image": "{enter your project image URL}",
  "is_open": {true OR false},
  "start_date": "{enter your project start date}",
  "end_date": "{enter your project start date}"
  1. Click the Send button. If the request was successful, it will return a 201 Created status code.

A screenshot showing a successful POST request to create a new project in the  Insomnia application.

To retrieve the details of the project, create a new GET HTTP request to the following URL using the project's ID number:

A screenshot showing a successful GET request to retrieve the details of one project in the Insomnia application.


API Specification

HTTP Method URL Purpose Request Body Successful Response Code Authentication/Authorisation
GET 📗/projects/ Returns all projects N/A 200 OK N/A
POST 📗/projects/ Create a new project Project object 201 Created Must be logged in
GET 📗/projects/1/ Returns the project with ID of “1” N/A 200 OK N/A
PUT 📗/projects/1/ Updates project with ID of “1” Project object 200 OK Must be logged in
Must be the project owner
DELETE 📗/projects/1/ Deletes the project with ID of “1” N/A 204 No Content Must be logged in
Must be the project owner
GET 📙/pledges/ Returns all pledges N/A 200 OK N/A
POST 📙/pledges/ Create a new pledge Pledge object (see below) 201 Created Must be logged in
Must not be the owner of the project
GET 📙/pledges/1/ Get the pledge with ID of “1” N/A 200 OK N/A
PUT 📙/pledges/1/ Updates pledge with ID of “1” Pledge object (see below) 200 OK Must be logged in
Must be the pledge supporter
DELETE 📙/pledges/1/ Deletes the pledge with ID of “1” N/A 204 No Content Must be logged in
Must be the pledge supporter
GET 📘/users/ Returns all users N/A 200 OK Must be logged in as a superuser
POST 📘/users/ Create a new user User object 201 Created N/A
GET 📘/users/1/ Returns the user with ID of “1” N/A 200 OK N/A
PUT 📘/users/1/ Updates user with ID of “1” User object 200 OK Must be logged in as user with ID of “1”
DELETE 📘/users/1/ Deletes the user with ID of “1” N/A 204 No Content Must be logged in as user with ID of “1”
POST /api-token-auth/ Returns a token for a given valid username and password User object 200 OK N/A

Pledge request body:

  "amount": {enter amount pledged},
  "comment": "{enter pledge comment}",
  "anonymous": {true OR false},
  "project": {enter project ID}

Database Schema

Note: The ProjectUpdate model and associated views, URLs and serializers have not been implemented yet, however its implementation would be similar to that of the Pledge model.

The database schema for the Level Launch crowdfunding website.

Future Developments

  • Add the ability for project owners to publish update blog posts for their project (ProjectUpdate model).
  • Add new superuser permissions allow a superuser to update and delete any project, pledge, or user.
  • Paginated responses to project and pledge GET requests.


Project Requirements

This crowdfunding project must:

  • Be separated into two distinct projects: an API built using the Django Rest Framework and a website built using React. (AZ Note: Coming soon on the React front end!)
  • Have a cool name, bonus points if it includes a pun and/or missing vowels.
  • Have a clear target audience.
  • Have user accounts. A user should have at least the following attributes:
    • Username
    • Email address
    • Password
  • Ability to create a “project” to be crowdfunded which will include at least the following attributes:
    • Title
    • Owner (a user)
    • Description
    • Image
    • Target amount to fundraise
    • Whether it is currently open to accepting new supporters or not
    • When the project was created
  • Ability to “pledge” to a project. A pledge should include at least the following attributes:
    • An amount
    • The project the pledge is for
    • The supporter/user (i.e. who created the pledge)
    • Whether the pledge is anonymous or not
    • A comment to go along with the pledge
  • Implement suitable update/delete functionality, e.g. should a project owner be allowed to update a project description?
  • Implement suitable permissions, e.g. who is allowed to delete a pledge?
  • Return the relevant status codes for both successful and unsuccessful requests to the API.
  • Handle failed requests gracefully (e.g. you should have a custom 404 page rather than the default error page). (AZ Note: Coming soon on the React front end!)
  • Use Token Authentication, including an endpoint to obtain a token along with the current user's details.
  • Implement responsive design. (AZ Note: Coming soon on the React front end!)

Submission Requirements

The following should be included in this readme doc:

  • A link to the deployed project. (AZ Note: Incomplete because I'm submitting this assignment 3 weeks early - watch this space!)
  • A screenshot of Insomnia, demonstrating a successful GET method for any endpoint.
  • A screenshot of Insomnia, demonstrating a successful POST method for any endpoint.
  • A screenshot of Insomnia, demonstrating a token being returned.
  • Step by step instructions for how to register a new user and create a new project (i.e. endpoints and body data).
  • Your refined API specification and Database Schema.


The back end of Level Launch, a game crowdfunding website, using Django and Django REST Framework. Completed as part of the She Codes Plus program 2024-2025.






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