- Python
- Flask
- Scikit Learn
- Clone this repository to your preferred working directory
- Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv otehrvenv
will create a virtual env - Source the env, assuming you on zsh/bash
source venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- To run project locally, run
python3 app.py
in the app directory of this project
- You have already done this on the Git & Github Quiz assignment
- The CircleCI config is on this repo.
- Setup your project on Heroku and on CircleCI
- Refer to https://github.com/africacodeacademy/aca-erp2022-2-Quiz
- Should you need other dependencies, Add them to your requirements.txt
Here’s the branch naming convention that we should enforce for the devs.
Feature requests should have a naming convention of (where XXX is the Shortcut ticket number). For example: feature-XXX- eg. feature-1234-add-logout-button
Bugs are similar with the “bug-” prefix.
In the event we have hotfixes (haha!), they can also have its own branch of the following form, where VVV is the hotfix version number:
Add ticket number and concise message. Why?
We’ll be using tags in the main branch to specify releases.
As mentioned above, there’s only one rule: anything in the main
branch is always deployable.
Before a branch is merged back to main the following this must have happened with the branch code:
Commits: Code changes, atomic and often.
Pull Request: Which is followed by a …
Code Review: The code is reviewed.
Tests: The is deployed to a test server and tested.
Merge to main: Finally, the tested code is merged into the main branch.