A Python script to update RPM packages from GitHub that do not have a corresponding RPM repo.
Create a config file at ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/gh-rpm/config.yml
with the following structure:
- repo: rclone/rclone # The name of the GitHub repo to search releases for.
package: rclone # The name of the installed RPM package - defaults to the repo name if not specified
filter: '.*amd64.*' # An optional RegEx filter, useful for ensuring you only download and install the version for your distro/architecture.
content_types: # An optional list of content types to filter on, will default to "application/x-rpm" and "application/x-redhat-package-manager" if not specified.
github_token: # Am optional GitHub personal access token with read permissions for the repo(s) specified above. It can also be set via the "GITHUB_TOKEN" environment variable.
Using pipx you can quickly install the CLI and run it:
pipx install git+https://github.com/afwolfe/gh-rpm-updater.git
export GITHUB_TOKEN="..."
Install Python dependencies and run via Poetry, optionally passing in a GitHub token from the environment:
git clone https://github.com/afwolfe/gh-rpm-updater.git
cd gh-rpm-updater
poetry install
export GITHUB_TOKEN="..."
poetry run gh-rpm