Sharepoint Custom UI Widgets that make building custom User Interfaces easier.
See the project page folder for full detail on the usage of each available plugins.
The compiled plugin can be found under the plugin folder.
Dual License support
User can pick whichever one applies best for their project and does'nt not have to contact me.
This project has been developed in Eclipse using the Aptana plugin.
The project is built using Apached Ant (see file build.SPWidgets.xml).
In addition to requiring Ant installed, Google Closure compiler (for minification) and is needed. Perl is required in order to turn
The tools should be downloaded and placed under:
- BUILD/Tools/google-closure-compiler/
- BUILD/Tools/markdown/
The project also allows you to "deploy" to a live sharepoint site by doing a file copy from the development BUILD folder to a sharepoint folder. In order to do so, the target location (the sharepoint location) must be setup in the file. This file is automatically created the first time the build file is ran.