This repo contains code for our paper Conditional Generators of Words Definitions.
We explore recently introduced definition modeling technique that provided the tool for evaluation of different distributed vector representations of words through modeling dictionary definitions of words. In this work, we study the problem of word ambiguities in definition modeling and propose a possible solution by employing latent variable modeling and soft attention mechanisms. Our quantitative and qualitative evaluation and analysis of the model shows that taking into account words ambiguity and polysemy leads to performance improvement.
author = "Gadetsky, Artyom and Yakubovskiy, Ilya and Vetrov, Dmitry",
title = "Conditional Generators of Words Definitions",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)",
year = "2018",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
pages = "266--271",
location = "Melbourne, Australia",
url = ""
- Install conda environment with the following packages:
Python 3.6
Pytorch 0.4
Numpy 1.14
Tqdm 4.23
Gensim 3.4
- To install AdaGram software to use Adaptive conditioning:
Download Julia 0.6 binaries from official site and add alias in ~/.bashrc
alias julia='JULIA_BINARY_PATH/bin/julia'
Use source ~/.bashrc
to reload ~/.bashrc
Then activate julia interpreter using julia
and install following packages:
Then add in ~/.bashrc
And finally to apply exports
source ~/.bashrc
To install Mosesdecoder (for BLEU) follow instructions on the official site
To get data for language model (LM) pretraining:
cd pytorch-definitions
mkdir data
cd data
To get data for Google word vectors use official site. You need .bin.gz file. Don't forget to
downloaded file to extract binaries -
Adaptive Skip-gram vectors are available upon request. Also you can train your owns using instructions in the official repo
The Definition Modeling data is available upon request because of Oxford Dictionaries distribution license. Also you can collect your own. If you want to collect your own, then you should prepare 3 datasplits: train, test and val. Each datasplit is python array with the following format saved as json file:
data = [
["word1", "word2", ...],
["word1", "word2", ...]
So i-th element of the data:
data[i][0][0] - word being defined (string)
data[i][1] - definition (list of strings)
data[i][2] - context to understand word meaning (list of strings)
Firstly, you need to prepare vocabs, vectors and etc for using model:
- To prepare vocabs use
usage: [-h] --defs DEFS [DEFS ...] [--lm LM [LM ...]] [--same]
--save SAVE [--save_context SAVE_CONTEXT] --save_chars
Prepare vocabularies for model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--defs DEFS [DEFS ...]
location of json file with definitions.
--lm LM [LM ...] location of txt file with text for LM pre-training
--same use same vocab for definitions and contexts
--save SAVE where to save prepaired vocabulary (for words from
--save_context SAVE_CONTEXT
where to save vocabulary (for words from contexts)
--save_chars SAVE_CHARS
where to save char vocabulary (for chars from all
- To prepare w2v vectors use
usage: [-h] --defs DEFS [DEFS ...] --save SAVE [SAVE ...] --w2v
Prepare word vectors for Input conditioning
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--defs DEFS [DEFS ...]
location of json file with definitions.
--save SAVE [SAVE ...]
where to save files
--w2v W2V location of binary w2v file
- To prepare Adagram vectors use
julia prep_ada.jl
usage: prep_ada.jl --defs DEFS [DEFS...] --save SAVE [SAVE...]
--ada ADA [-h]
Prepare word vectors for Input-Adaptive conditioning
optional arguments:
--defs DEFS [DEFS...]
location of json file with definitions.
--save SAVE [SAVE...]
where to save files
--ada ADA location of AdaGram file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- If you want to init embedding matrix of the model with Google word vectors then prepare it using
and then use path to saved weights as--w2v_weights
usage: [-h] --voc VOC --w2v W2V --save SAVE
Prepare word vectors for embedding layer in the model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--voc VOC location of model vocabulary file
--w2v W2V location of binary w2v file
--save SAVE where to save prepaired matrix
Now all is already ready for model usage!
- To train model use
usage: [-h] [--pretrain] --voc VOC [--train_defs TRAIN_DEFS]
[--eval_defs EVAL_DEFS] [--test_defs TEST_DEFS]
[--input_train INPUT_TRAIN] [--input_eval INPUT_EVAL]
[--input_test INPUT_TEST]
[--input_adaptive_train INPUT_ADAPTIVE_TRAIN]
[--input_adaptive_eval INPUT_ADAPTIVE_EVAL]
[--input_adaptive_test INPUT_ADAPTIVE_TEST]
[--context_voc CONTEXT_VOC] [--ch_voc CH_VOC]
[--train_lm TRAIN_LM] [--eval_lm EVAL_LM] [--test_lm TEST_LM]
[--bptt BPTT] --nx NX --nlayers NLAYERS --nhid NHID
--rnn_dropout RNN_DROPOUT [--use_seed] [--use_input]
[--use_input_adaptive] [--use_input_attention]
[--n_attn_embsize N_ATTN_EMBSIZE] [--n_attn_hid N_ATTN_HID]
[--attn_dropout ATTN_DROPOUT] [--attn_sparse] [--use_ch]
[--ch_emb_size CH_EMB_SIZE]
[--ch_feature_maps CH_FEATURE_MAPS [CH_FEATURE_MAPS ...]]
[--ch_kernel_sizes CH_KERNEL_SIZES [CH_KERNEL_SIZES ...]]
[--use_hidden] [--use_hidden_adaptive]
[--use_hidden_attention] [--use_gated] [--use_gated_adaptive]
[--use_gated_attention] --lr LR --decay_factor DECAY_FACTOR
--decay_patience DECAY_PATIENCE --num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE --clip CLIP --random_seed RANDOM_SEED
--exp_dir EXP_DIR [--w2v_weights W2V_WEIGHTS]
[--fix_embeddings] [--fix_attn_embeddings] [--lm_ckpt LM_CKPT]
[--attn_ckpt ATTN_CKPT]
Script to train a model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pretrain whether to pretrain model on LM dataset or train on
--voc VOC location of vocabulary file
--train_defs TRAIN_DEFS
location of json file with train definitions.
--eval_defs EVAL_DEFS
location of json file with eval definitions.
--test_defs TEST_DEFS
location of json file with test definitions
--input_train INPUT_TRAIN
location of train vectors for Input conditioning
--input_eval INPUT_EVAL
location of eval vectors for Input conditioning
--input_test INPUT_TEST
location of test vectors for Input conditioning
--input_adaptive_train INPUT_ADAPTIVE_TRAIN
location of train vectors for InputAdaptive
--input_adaptive_eval INPUT_ADAPTIVE_EVAL
location of eval vectors for InputAdaptive
--input_adaptive_test INPUT_ADAPTIVE_TEST
location test vectors for InputAdaptive conditioning
--context_voc CONTEXT_VOC
location of context vocabulary file
--ch_voc CH_VOC location of CH vocabulary file
--train_lm TRAIN_LM location of txt file train LM data
--eval_lm EVAL_LM location of txt file eval LM data
--test_lm TEST_LM location of txt file test LM data
--bptt BPTT sequence length for BackPropThroughTime in LM
--nx NX size of embeddings
--nlayers NLAYERS number of LSTM layers
--nhid NHID size of hidden states
--rnn_dropout RNN_DROPOUT
probability of RNN dropout
--use_seed whether to use Seed conditioning or not
--use_input whether to use Input conditioning or not
--use_input_adaptive whether to use InputAdaptive conditioning or not
whether to use InputAttention conditioning or not
--n_attn_embsize N_ATTN_EMBSIZE
size of InputAttention embeddings
--n_attn_hid N_ATTN_HID
size of InputAttention linear layer
--attn_dropout ATTN_DROPOUT
probability of InputAttention dropout
--attn_sparse whether to use sparse embeddings in InputAttention or
--use_ch whether to use CH conditioning or not
--ch_emb_size CH_EMB_SIZE
size of embeddings in CH conditioning
--ch_feature_maps CH_FEATURE_MAPS [CH_FEATURE_MAPS ...]
list of feature map sizes in CH conditioning
--ch_kernel_sizes CH_KERNEL_SIZES [CH_KERNEL_SIZES ...]
list of kernel sizes in CH conditioning
--use_hidden whether to use Hidden conditioning or not
whether to use HiddenAdaptive conditioning or not
whether to use HiddenAttention conditioning or not
--use_gated whether to use Gated conditioning or not
--use_gated_adaptive whether to use GatedAdaptive conditioning or not
whether to use GatedAttention conditioning or not
--lr LR initial lr
--decay_factor DECAY_FACTOR
factor to decay lr
--decay_patience DECAY_PATIENCE
after number of patience epochs - decay lr
--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
number of epochs to train
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
batch size
--clip CLIP value to clip norm of gradients to
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
random seed
--exp_dir EXP_DIR where to save all stuff about training
--w2v_weights W2V_WEIGHTS
path to pretrained embeddings to init
--fix_embeddings whether to update embedding matrix or not
whether to update attention embedding matrix or not
--lm_ckpt LM_CKPT path to pretrained language model weights
--attn_ckpt ATTN_CKPT
path to pretrained Attention module
For example to train simple language model use:
python --voc VOC_PATH --nx 300 --nhid 300 --rnn_dropout 0.5 --lr 0.001 --decay_factor 0.1 --decay_patience 0
--num_epochs 1 --batch_size 16 --clip 5 --random_seed 42 --exp_dir DIR_PATH -bptt 30
--pretrain --train_lm PATH_TO_WIKI_103_TRAIN --eval_lm PATH_TO_WIKI_103_EVAL --test_lm PATH_TO_WIKI_103_TEST
For example to train Seed + Input
model use:
python --voc VOC_PATH --nx 300 --nhid 300 --rnn_dropout 0.5 --lr 0.001 --decay_factor 0.1 --decay_patience 0
--num_epochs 1 --batch_size 16 --clip 5 --random_seed 42 --exp_dir DIR_PATH
--train_defs TRAIN_SPLIT_PATH --eval_defs EVAL_DEFS_PATH --test_defs TEST_DEFS_PATH --use_seed
--use_input --input_train PREPARED_W2V_TRAIN_VECS --input_eval PREPARED_W2V_EVAL_VECS --input_test PREPARED_W2V_TEST_VECS
To train Seed + Input
model with pretraining as unconditional LM provide path to pretrained LM weights
as --lm_ckpt
argument in
- To generate using model use
usage: [-h] --params PARAMS --ckpt CKPT --tau TAU --n N --length
LENGTH [--prefix PREFIX] [--wordlist WORDLIST]
[--w2v_binary_path W2V_BINARY_PATH]
[--ada_binary_path ADA_BINARY_PATH]
[--prep_ada_path PREP_ADA_PATH]
Script to generate using model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--params PARAMS path to saved model params
--ckpt CKPT path to saved model weights
--tau TAU temperature to use in sampling
--n N number of samples to generate
--length LENGTH maximum length of generated samples
--prefix PREFIX prefix to read until generation starts
--wordlist WORDLIST path to word list with words and contexts
--w2v_binary_path W2V_BINARY_PATH
path to binary w2v file
--ada_binary_path ADA_BINARY_PATH
path to binary ada file
--prep_ada_path PREP_ADA_PATH
path to prep_ada.jl script
- To evaluate model use
usage: [-h] --params PARAMS --ckpt CKPT --datasplit DATASPLIT --type
TYPE [--wordlist WORDLIST] [--tau TAU] [--n N]
[--length LENGTH]
Script to evaluate model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--params PARAMS path to saved model params
--ckpt CKPT path to saved model weights
--datasplit DATASPLIT
train, val or test set to evaluate on
--type TYPE compute ppl or bleu
--wordlist WORDLIST word list to evaluate on (by default all data will be
--tau TAU temperature to use in sampling
--n N number of samples to generate
--length LENGTH maximum length of generated samples
- To measure BLEU for trained model, firstly evaluate it using
and then compute bleu usingpython
usage: [-h] --ref REF --hyp HYP --n N [--with_contexts] --bleu_path
Script to compute BLEU
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ref REF path to file with references
--hyp HYP path to file with hypotheses
--n N --n argument used to generate --ref file using
--with_contexts whether to consider contexts or not when compute BLEU
--bleu_path BLEU_PATH
path to mosesdecoder sentence-bleu binary
--mode MODE whether to average or take random example per word
- Also you can pretrain Attention module using
then use path to saved weights as--attn_ckpt
usage: [-h] [--data DATA] --context_voc
CONTEXT_VOC [--prepared] --window WINDOW
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED [--sparse]
--vec_dim VEC_DIM --attn_hid ATTN_HID
--attn_dropout ATTN_DROPOUT --lr LR
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE --num_epochs
Script to train a AttentionSkipGram model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data DATA path to data
--context_voc CONTEXT_VOC
path to context voc for DefinitionModelingModel is
necessary to save pretrained attention module,
particulary embedding matrix
--prepared whether to prepare data or use already prepared
--window WINDOW window for AttentionSkipGram model
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
random seed for training
--sparse whether to use sparse embeddings or not
--vec_dim VEC_DIM vector dim to train
--attn_hid ATTN_HID hidden size in attention module
--attn_dropout ATTN_DROPOUT
dropout prob in attention module
--lr LR initial lr to use
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
batch size to use
--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
number of epochs to train
--exp_dir EXP_DIR where to save weights, prepared data and logs