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Add some lemmas related to renamings and substitutions (#1750)
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nad authored and MatthewDaggitt committed Oct 13, 2023
1 parent 8fd57cc commit 53f4211
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Showing 6 changed files with 294 additions and 86 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1117,6 +1117,10 @@ Deprecated modules

* The module `Data.Nat.Properties.Core` has been deprecated, and its one entry moved to `Data.Nat.Properties`

### Deprecation of `Data.Fin.Substitution.Example`

* The module `Data.Fin.Substitution.Example` has been deprecated, and moved to `README.Data.Fin.Substitution.UntypedLambda`

### Deprecation of `Data.Product.Function.Dependent.Setoid.WithK`

* This module has been deprecated, as none of its contents actually depended on axiom K. The contents has been moved to `Data.Product.Function.Dependent.Setoid`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2201,6 +2205,27 @@ Additions to existing modules
inject≤-irrelevant : inject≤ i m≤n ≡ inject≤ i m≤n′

* Changed the fixity of `Data.Fin.Substitution.TermSubst._/Var_`.
infix 8 ↦ infixl 8

* Added new lemmas in `Data.Fin.Substitution.Lemmas.TermLemmas`:
map-var≡ : {ρ₁ : Sub Fin m n} {ρ₂ : Sub T m n} {f : Fin m → Fin n} →
(∀ x → lookup ρ₁ x ≡ f x) →
(∀ x → lookup ρ₂ x ≡ T.var (f x)) →
map T.var ρ₁ ≡ ρ₂
wk≡wk : map T.var VarSubst.wk ≡ T.wk {n = n}
id≡id : map T.var ≡ {n = n}
sub≡sub : {x : Fin n} → map T.var (VarSubst.sub x) ≡ T.sub (T.var x)
↑≡↑ : {ρ : Sub Fin m n} → map T.var (ρ VarSubst.↑) ≡ map T.var ρ T.↑
/Var≡/ : {ρ : Sub Fin m n} {t} → t /Var ρ ≡ t T./ map T.var ρ
sub-renaming-commutes : {ρ : Sub T m n} →
t /Var VarSubst.sub x T./ ρ ≡ t T./ ρ T.↑ T./ T.sub (lookup ρ x)
sub-commutes-with-renaming : {ρ : Sub Fin m n} →
t T./ T.sub t′ /Var ρ ≡ t /Var ρ VarSubst.↑ T./ T.sub (t′ /Var ρ)
* Added new functions in `Data.Integer.Base`:
_^_ : ℤ → ℕ → ℤ
Expand Down
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions README/Data/Fin/Substitution/UntypedLambda.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
-- The Agda standard library
-- An example of how Data.Fin.Substitution can be used: a definition
-- of substitution for the untyped λ-calculus, along with some lemmas

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module README.Data.Fin.Substitution.UntypedLambda where

open import Data.Fin.Substitution
open import Data.Fin.Substitution.Lemmas
open import Data.Nat.Base hiding (_/_)
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin)
open import Data.Vec.Base
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core
using (_≡_; refl; sym; cong; cong₂; module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive
using (Star; ε; _◅_)

open ≡-Reasoning

m n :

-- A representation of the untyped λ-calculus. Uses de Bruijn indices.

infixl 9 _·_

data Lam (n : ℕ) : Set where
var : (x : Fin n) Lam n
ƛ : (t : Lam (suc n)) Lam n
_·_ : (t₁ t₂ : Lam n) Lam n

-- Code for applying substitutions.

module LamApp {ℓ} {T : Set ℓ} (l : Lift T Lam) where
open Lift l hiding (var)

-- Applies a substitution to a term.

infixl 8 _/_

_/_ : Lam m Sub T m n Lam n
var x / ρ = lift (lookup ρ x)
ƛ t / ρ = ƛ (t / ρ ↑)
t₁ · t₂ / ρ = (t₁ / ρ) · (t₂ / ρ)

open Application (record { _/_ = _/_ }) using (_/✶_)

-- Some lemmas about _/_.

ƛ-/✶-↑✶ : k {t} (ρs : Subs T m n)
ƛ t /✶ ρs ↑✶ k ≡ ƛ (t /✶ ρs ↑✶ suc k)
ƛ-/✶-↑✶ k ε = refl
ƛ-/✶-↑✶ k (ρ ◅ ρs) = cong (_/ _) (ƛ-/✶-↑✶ k ρs)

·-/✶-↑✶ : k {t₁ t₂} (ρs : Subs T m n)
t₁ · t₂ /✶ ρs ↑✶ k ≡ (t₁ /✶ ρs ↑✶ k) · (t₂ /✶ ρs ↑✶ k)
·-/✶-↑✶ k ε = refl
·-/✶-↑✶ k (ρ ◅ ρs) = cong (_/ _) (·-/✶-↑✶ k ρs)

lamSubst : TermSubst Lam
lamSubst = record { var = var; app = LamApp._/_ }

open TermSubst lamSubst hiding (var)

-- Substitution lemmas.

lamLemmas : TermLemmas Lam
lamLemmas = record
{ termSubst = lamSubst
; app-var = refl
; /✶-↑✶ = Lemma./✶-↑✶
module Lemma {T₁ T₂} {lift₁ : Lift T₁ Lam} {lift₂ : Lift T₂ Lam} where

open Lifted lift₁ using () renaming (_↑✶_ to _↑✶₁_; _/✶_ to _/✶₁_)
open Lifted lift₂ using () renaming (_↑✶_ to _↑✶₂_; _/✶_ to _/✶₂_)

/✶-↑✶ : (ρs₁ : Subs T₁ m n) (ρs₂ : Subs T₂ m n)
( k x var x /✶₁ ρs₁ ↑✶₁ k ≡ var x /✶₂ ρs₂ ↑✶₂ k)
k t t /✶₁ ρs₁ ↑✶₁ k ≡ t /✶₂ ρs₂ ↑✶₂ k
/✶-↑✶ ρs₁ ρs₂ hyp k (var x) = hyp k x
/✶-↑✶ ρs₁ ρs₂ hyp k (ƛ t) = begin
ƛ t /✶₁ ρs₁ ↑✶₁ k ≡⟨ LamApp.ƛ-/✶-↑✶ _ k ρs₁ ⟩
ƛ (t /✶₁ ρs₁ ↑✶₁ suc k) ≡⟨ cong ƛ (/✶-↑✶ ρs₁ ρs₂ hyp (suc k) t) ⟩
ƛ (t /✶₂ ρs₂ ↑✶₂ suc k) ≡⟨ sym (LamApp.ƛ-/✶-↑✶ _ k ρs₂) ⟩
ƛ t /✶₂ ρs₂ ↑✶₂ k ∎
/✶-↑✶ ρs₁ ρs₂ hyp k (t₁ · t₂) = begin
t₁ · t₂ /✶₁ ρs₁ ↑✶₁ k ≡⟨ LamApp.·-/✶-↑✶ _ k ρs₁ ⟩
(t₁ /✶₁ ρs₁ ↑✶₁ k) · (t₂ /✶₁ ρs₁ ↑✶₁ k) ≡⟨ cong₂ _·_ (/✶-↑✶ ρs₁ ρs₂ hyp k t₁)
(/✶-↑✶ ρs₁ ρs₂ hyp k t₂) ⟩
(t₁ /✶₂ ρs₂ ↑✶₂ k) · (t₂ /✶₂ ρs₂ ↑✶₂ k) ≡⟨ sym (LamApp.·-/✶-↑✶ _ k ρs₂) ⟩
t₁ · t₂ /✶₂ ρs₂ ↑✶₂ k ∎

open TermLemmas lamLemmas public hiding (var)
56 changes: 30 additions & 26 deletions src/Data/Fin/Substitution.agda
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Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
-- Substitutions

-- Uses a variant of Conor McBride's technique from "Type-Preserving
-- Renaming and Substitution".
-- Uses a variant of Conor McBride's technique from his paper
-- "Type-Preserving Renaming and Substitution".

-- See Data.Fin.Substitution.Example for an example of how this module
-- can be used: a definition of substitution for the untyped
-- λ-calculus.
-- See README.Data.Fin.Substitution.UntypedLambda for an example
-- of how this module can be used: a definition of substitution for
-- the untyped λ-calculus.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

Expand All @@ -24,23 +24,29 @@ open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_; 0ℓ)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred)

ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level
k m n o :

-- General functionality

-- A Sub T m n is a substitution which, when applied to something with
-- at most m variables, yields something with at most n variables.

Sub : {ℓ} Pred ℕ ℓ Set
Sub : Pred ℕ ℓ Set
Sub T m n = Vec (T n) m

-- A /reversed/ sequence of matching substitutions.

Subs : {ℓ} Pred ℕ ℓ Set
Subs : Pred ℕ ℓ Set
Subs T = flip (Star (flip (Sub T)))

-- Some simple substitutions.

record Simple {ℓ : Level} (T : Pred ℕ ℓ) : Setwhere
record Simple (T : Pred ℕ ℓ) : Setwhere
infix 10 _↑
infixl 10 _↑⋆_ _↑✶_

Expand All @@ -50,40 +56,39 @@ record Simple {ℓ : Level} (T : Pred ℕ ℓ) : Set ℓ where

-- Lifting.

_↑ : {m n} Sub T m n Sub T (suc m) (suc n)
_↑ : Sub T m n Sub T (suc m) (suc n)
ρ ↑ = var zero ∷ map weaken ρ

_↑⋆_ : {m n} Sub T m n k Sub T (k + m) (k + n)
_↑⋆_ : Sub T m n k Sub T (k + m) (k + n)
ρ ↑⋆ zero = ρ
ρ ↑⋆ suc k = (ρ ↑⋆ k) ↑

_↑✶_ : {m n} Subs T m n k Subs T (k + m) (k + n)
_↑✶_ : Subs T m n k Subs T (k + m) (k + n)
ρs ↑✶ k = Star.gmap (_+_ k) (λ ρ ρ ↑⋆ k) ρs

-- The identity substitution.

id : {n} Sub T n n
id : Sub T n n
id {zero} = []
id {suc n} = id ↑

-- Weakening.

wk⋆ : k {n} Sub T n (k + n)
wk⋆ : k Sub T n (k + n)
wk⋆ zero = id
wk⋆ (suc k) = map weaken (wk⋆ k)

wk : {n} Sub T n (suc n)
wk : Sub T n (suc n)
wk = wk⋆ 1

-- A substitution which only replaces the first variable.

sub : {n} T n Sub T (suc n) n
sub : T n Sub T (suc n) n
sub t = t ∷ id

-- Application of substitutions.

record Application {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} (T₁ : Pred ℕ ℓ₁) (T₂ : Pred ℕ ℓ₂) :
Set (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) where
record Application (T₁ : Pred ℕ ℓ₁) (T₂ : Pred ℕ ℓ₂) : Set (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) where
infixl 8 _/_ _/✶_
infixl 9 _⊙_

Expand All @@ -93,17 +98,17 @@ record Application {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} (T₁ : Pred ℕ ℓ₁) (T₂ : Pred

-- Reverse composition. (Fits well with post-application.)

_⊙_ : {m n k} Sub T₁ m n Sub T₂ n k Sub T₁ m k
ρ₁ ⊙ ρ₂ = map (λ t t / ρ₂) ρ₁
_⊙_ : Sub T₁ m n Sub T₂ n o Sub T₁ m o
ρ₁ ⊙ ρ₂ = map (_/ ρ₂) ρ₁

-- Application of multiple substitutions.

_/✶_ : {m n} T₁ m Subs T₂ m n T₁ n
_/✶_ : T₁ m Subs T₂ m n T₁ n
_/✶_ = Star.gfold _ (flip _/_) {k = zero}

-- A combination of the two records above.

record Subst {ℓ : Level} (T : Pred ℕ ℓ) : Setwhere
record Subst (T : Pred ℕ ℓ) : Setwhere
simple : Simple T
application : Application T T
Expand All @@ -113,7 +118,7 @@ record Subst {ℓ : Level} (T : Pred ℕ ℓ) : Set ℓ where

-- Composition of multiple substitutions.

: {m n} Subs T m n Sub T m n
: Subs T m n Sub T m n
⨀ ε = id
⨀ (ρ ◅ ε) = ρ -- Convenient optimisation; simplifies some proofs.
⨀ (ρ ◅ ρs) = ⨀ ρs ⊙ ρ
Expand All @@ -123,8 +128,7 @@ record Subst {ℓ : Level} (T : Pred ℕ ℓ) : Set ℓ where

-- Liftings from T₁ to T₂.

record Lift {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} (T₁ : Pred ℕ ℓ₁) (T₂ : Pred ℕ ℓ₂) :
Set (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) where
record Lift (T₁ : Pred ℕ ℓ₁) (T₂ : Pred ℕ ℓ₂) : Set (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) where
simple : Simple T₁
lift : {n} T₁ n T₂ n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,9 +164,9 @@ record TermSubst (T : Pred ℕ 0ℓ) : Set₁ where
varLift : Lift Fin T
varLift = record { simple = VarSubst.simple; lift = var }

infix 8 _/Var_
infixl 8 _/Var_

_/Var_ : {m n} T m Sub Fin m n T n
_/Var_ : T m Sub Fin m n T n
_/Var_ = app varLift

simple : Simple T
Expand Down
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions src/Data/Fin/Substitution/Example.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
-- The Agda standard library
-- An example of how Data.Fin.Substitution can be used: a definition
-- of substitution for the untyped λ-calculus, along with some lemmas
-- This module is DEPRECATED. Please see
-- `README.Data.Nat.Fin.Substitution.UntypedLambda` instead.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Fin.Substitution.Example where

"Data.Fin.Substitution.Example was deprecated in v2.0.
Please see README.Data.Nat.Fin.Substitution.UntypedLambda instead."

open import Data.Fin.Substitution
open import Data.Fin.Substitution.Lemmas
open import Data.Nat.Base hiding (_/_)
Expand Down

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