Kaspi/http-message is a lightweight implementation PSR-7, PSR-17 for >= PHP 8.1
Implementation of PSR-17:
Implementation of PSR-7:
Additional implementations for \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
composer require kaspi/http-message
- Local development (without Docker)
- With Docker images (WSL, Linux)
Required PHP 8.1, php Composer
Run test without code coverage
composer test
Running tests with checking code coverage by tests with a report in html format
./vendor/bin/pest --compact
Requires installed PCOV driver
⛑ the results will be in the folder .coverage-html
For static analysis we use the package Phan.
Running without PHP extension PHP AST
./vendor/bin/phan --allow-polyfill-parser
To bring the code to standards, we use php-cs-fixer which is declared in composer's dev dependencies
composer fixer
You can specify the image with the PHP version in the .env
file in the PHP_IMAGE
By default, the container is built with the php:8.1-cli-alpine
Build docker container
docker-compose build
Install php composer dependencies:
docker-compose run --rm php composer install
Run tests with a code coverage report and a report in html format
docker-compose run --rm php vendor/bin/pest --compact
⛑ the results will be in the folder .coverage-html
Phan (static analyzer for PHP)
docker-compose run --rm php vendor/bin/phan
You can work in a shell in a docker container:
docker-compose run --rm php sh
Check and correct code style:
make fix
Run the static code analyzer:
make stat
Run tests:
make test
Run all stages of checks:
make all